ES - Xene status on the Net

Vicki Marsh xaraxene at
Wed Nov 17 09:27:22 PST 1999

I'mmmm Baaaacckkkk!!!!!!!  

Xene here,

Llywelyn is coming into town around 4:30 p.m. on Friday.  That means that we probably wouldn't be able to leave out until after 6:00 p.m., arriving on-site after midnight.  Yukkk.  That's why I was thinking about leaving earlier - get Anthony out of school and head south before the traffic gets bad.  The only thing is, that we would prefer not to take both our cars.  Riding back from an event together is one of our favorite times as a family.

Is anyone leaving for Bordermarch after 5:00 p.m. that would be willing to give Llywelyn and Allisandre a  ride?  Is there anyone who would like to leave early with me and Anthony?  We could take both our cars and let one of our riders drive on the way home.

Musical cars, musical lives. 

And I listen to Rugrats, Pokemon, 98 Degrees, etc.... And Aerosmith and Boston.  I want my son to have a well-rounded musical experience.

Will there be a tavern at Bordermarch again?  I'm trying to make plans for food.

See you there,

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