ES - Heal Thyself first

Rhonda New rbnew at
Thu Feb 17 06:30:34 PST 2000

Buy the pig?   Naawww... Actually, I am currently looking for
a place where we can actually HUNT the pig,  *   the pig, then
spit roast it over an open fire. I have been working on this for
quite some time and, hopefully, may have something for this
fall (the best time for   *   a pig). And this will NOT be an event
for the very young or the squeemish!

There are several places in Hill County that are overrun with
wild pigs (easy catch, but one already on 'stand by' doesn't
hurt).  It's just a matter of getting with the right land owner
who understands what we do, why we do it, and why we'd
want to camp primitively for 2-3 days just to   *   and eat a
wild pig.

/Lady Elizabeth Hawkwood

"Mark A. Arnold" wrote:

>     Idea: Celtic feast. Roast a pig for three days. On the third day, people
> challenge each other in a contest of bragadocio. The winner gets to carve the
> hind quarters for his group at the feast. If you think that someone else needs
> to prove their boast, take them outside. In the end, the winner carves
> everything off the pig -- leaving only the knuckles for everyone else. Everyone
> else, of course, justifiably lays on and, in the ensuing brawl, rivers of blood
> and body parts flows out of the door of the feast hall. This story (from the
> Mabinogion, I think) is probably more legend than history. Which are we
> recreating, legend or history?
>     It sure would be a hoot.
>     Glaslyn can't put this one on at this time. We have already planned our
> events for the rest of this year. Also, we would need to get experienced SCAers
> to this event, so we can get some really great stories out of it.
>     I'll buy the pig.
> Llew Mailin
> Glaslyn
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