ES - The RULES for Elfsea's Kitchen

Karie Mitchell allessandre at
Tue Feb 8 14:09:39 PST 2000

Greetings Elfsea,

Here are the guidelines for making eating at Gulf Wars smoother:


1.  CLEAN UP CREW:  The teams cooking meals will be responsible for clean 
up.  However, there is a standing crew for clean up.  The crew members are: 
Sean of Argyle, Burt Flather (Stella's son), Robert of Slugglen (Sluggy), 
Gwendolyn Spring, Bjorn and his Outlands crew (3 people), and Charles Baucum 
(an experienced 'newcomer')  Please utilize them, but don't abuse them.  
They are only to clean cooking and serving gear after they have eaten.  
Please help them out if you can.

2.  POLICING OUR AREA FOR TRASH: Police your area after every meal.  Find 
things to put away and throw away all trash.  If something looks like it 
hasn't been used yet, wash it and put it back.  Let's not waste any of the 
plates, eating utensils, or cups if we can avoid it.

3.  WASHING DISHES: Use the empty water jugs to get washing water and put it 
in a large pot to heat up, preferrably as you're cooking the meal. We'll 
have a dish-washing station for the kitchen.

4.  ALLERGIES:  Please let Allessandre Desiderio know if you have any food 
allergies (especially if they are severe).  She will send out information to 
the cooks to let them know.

    Current known allergies: Gwendolyn Spring - All kinds of
    pepper(Bell, Banana, Cracked, White, etc.) Please make
    adjustments (don't use or make a small portion without) or inform
    us so that she and others can avoid the dish.

5.  DRINKS:  People will provide their own drinks except in the following 
cases:  Breakfasts will have juice and milk, and hot drinks will be provided 
by their Excellencies (cider, cocoa, coffee, etc).  No alcohol will be 
provided by the Elfsea group.

6.  MEAL TIMES: Breakfast will be served at 7 am SHARP!  Lunch will be 
provided in a more relaxed buffet style, but will be out between 11:30 a.m. 
and 1 p.m.  It will be provided at camp on Wednesday & Thursday, at the list 
field on Friday & Saturday.  Dinner will be served at 6 p.m.  If you are 
cooking those meals, please make certain to allow yourself enough time to 
get everything ready by those serving times.  (Hungry people make very nasty 
opponents on the field!)

7.  COMMON FOOD STORAGE: Elfsea will have a common food area again.  This 
will be open to only the members of Elfsea.  If you want to share with 
others outside our group, please do so only from your own coolers.  Coolers 
stored inside the common area will be considered part of the shared food 
source.  Coolers inside or next to individual's tents are PERSONAL!

8.  HOSPITALITY: If you wish to bring a friend to come share a meal, please 
let Allessandre Desiderio know.  She will find out whether we have enough 
available for them to share.  (Also, if they can make contributions it's 
easier for her to say yes.)

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these rules, please contact 
me at <allessandre at> or call me at 817/466-8807.

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