[Elfsea] trailer towing update

Jane Sitton jane.sitton at radioshack.com
Thu May 24 11:36:29 PDT 2001

Greetings unto the list from Madelina de Lyndesaye!

It's nigh on to 2 p.m., and so far, I have had no response to my petition
for assistance in towing the trailer to Steppes Warlord.  In addition, Laird
Logan is in a cranky mood.  I think he's depressed because he says he
doesn't even have enough ironwork finished to make it worthwhile to bother
bringing it to the event.  He says he would just as soon go fishing.

So his attitude has put me in a blue funk.  I am eager to get back to doing
SCA events -- I even managed to get our memberships renewed this month,
after a lapse of about 5 or 6 years.  I may just attend the event by myself,
and let him stew over the weekend, with both kids at home to keep him

I really would like to attend with my whole family, however.  So I will
re-iterate my need to have a response in case someone is even thinking about
helping.  I know the list sometimes gets pretty quiet just before an event.
Everyone is busy washing and mending garb, packing, preparing.  But I truly
thought there might be ONE person in our whole barony who might be able to
help.  As I haven't heard a peep yet from anyone, I sort of get the
impression that I'm not going to, either.

Please, if you are able to help, email or call me.  I am more than happy to
pay gas money and something extra for your trouble.

Many thanks,
Madelina de Lyndesaye

mka Jane Sitton-Logan
817-551-7642 home
817-415-6026 work
817-713-5639 cell

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