[Elfsea] Possible problem with waivers and youth authorization

Armand Dragonetti dragonetti at generich.com
Fri Jun 20 10:17:33 PDT 2003

  From: Jhan Knebel 

  Good Vicar, are you still on the Grand Council, and can you possibly shed some light on this message?
Yes, I am still on the Grand Council and no, this has not been part of our recent deliberations. (Possibly the legal committee, but not the Council) The message Caelin forwarded from the Marshal's list suggests that some clarifications may be in the works. If things are still ambiguous at the start of next week, I'll investigate further.

In the service of kingdom, crown & Elfsea, I remain,
Armand Dragonetti
Lord Elfsea

In Service,

<-----Original Message-----> 
From: Jhan Knebel
Sent: 6/19/2003 3:07:19 PM
To: elfsea at ansteorra.org
Subject: Re: [Elfsea] Possible problem with waivers and youth authorization

If this is the case, and I hope it is not, then the Wednesday night practice will no longer be advertised on an SCA sponsored list, and will be removed from the newsletter completely. If this keeps up, we won't be able to even mention personal practices at an SCA sponsored function. Of course, this flies directly in the face of all the previous rulings that an E-mail list is not an official means of communication for the SCA. 

So, I would ask those who are interested, go ahead and sign up for the BBR_Fight_Night list at yahoogroups, in case this does come to pass.

I'm getting a headache.

chief communications officer for the BBR_Fight_Night list ;-)
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