[Elfsea] Kragenworth Keep Bardic/Passing of the cloak

DonnelShaw at aol.com DonnelShaw at aol.com
Thu Jan 1 17:59:47 PST 2004

Remember you can go to the doctor in the first 24-48hrs of the flu Or even 
call and get a prescription for Tamaflu. It will cut the effects of the flu in 

In a message dated 1/1/2004 7:54:46 PM Central Standard Time, 
julie_self at hotmail.com writes:
Good Gentles!

After sending information out, just a few short hours ago, there has been a 
new development.  I, who had managed to stave off the advances of Tarkus' 
plague, have finally succumbed.  Therefore, we will have to cancel bardic.  
I spoke to Kol and he and his family are just recovering, so they 
understand.  I hope the rest of you will be here on Feb.6th, for our regular 
bardic.  Passing of the cloak will be postponed until the next regularly 
scheduled time, in April.

Thank you for understanding.  For those of you who haven't been exposed to 
the flu, BEWARE!  It hits fast and hard and comes in two varieties.

For those going to 12th Night, have a safe trip and STAY AWAY FROM 

In Service to the Dream,

Ly. Gwenllian Hertewelle

Loch Ruadh Rocks!!
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