[Elfsea] Words of Warning

Greg Shetler mordockvonrugen at comcast.net
Fri Oct 29 08:28:35 PDT 2004

I, Mordock von Rügen, tell my translator to write these words exactly as I
say them.  Peace rots men.  If this cowardly theft leads to war, call on me.
I grow fat in this peaceful land.


I, Ütloki, thrall to Mordock von Rügen, made these words as he spoke them to


-----Original Message-----
From: elfsea-bounces+mordockvonrugen=comcast.net at ansteorra.org
[mailto:elfsea-bounces+mordockvonrugen=comcast.net at ansteorra.org] On Behalf
Of neil starkey
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 9:14 AM
To: elfsea at ansteorra.org
Subject: Re: [Elfsea] Words of Warning


Your Excellency, 

Word has reached me that there are troubles within the boundries of my
beloved home of Elfsea.  I realize I am on important duties which I can not
explain nor discuss at this time.  However, if it comes to the safety of the
Barony, I can make the neccessary arrangements and travel back to help.
Since your trusted Foole and my good friend Wormy is still stricken and that
leaves the Barony without a good laugh at the moment, let me know what I can
do to help.

Yours in Service

Duck Raimond

A Jester's chief employment, is to kill himself for your enjoyment, and a
Jester unemployed.....is nobodies Fool.  (Danny Kaye "The Court Jester")

Elfsea] Words of Warning Date: Fair Sabine, I am most upset to hear of your
trouble. I will send two from castle to help you with your study this
afternoon feel free to keep them till Saturday if you wish. I am sorry
Raymond is at other tasks but Irena and Medb eat much less and are quite
pretty to look at. I believe you Know them both. They are most trusted and
work quite hard especially for cheese, I know not why. I regret that my
guard is not numerous enough to protect all the dwellings in the land of
Elfsea. Yet we are at this time sending riders to keep watch for travelers
who seem suspicious. I will keep you abreast if there is any news. Take
care, I consider you a great treasure to the Barony if I can be of
assistance to you further please let me know.

Ameline >Lady Elfsea

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