[Elfsea] The messy Defender Web-Site Debate

Ceatta o Gulcleth ceatta at flash.net
Wed Aug 16 13:57:17 PDT 2006

Well, now, what a revelation ...
  Arabella, we all stick various parts of our anatomy in our mouth at one time or another. Apologize (which you did in your inestimable style) and go on with your life.
  I haven't renewed my membership (for a number of reasons that I'll address in a personal manner, if any one is interested), but that doesn't mean that I am going to whine if something isn't on a website but in the (in my case, inaccessible) Black Star.  If it is important to you to be informed about events, then why is not important to you to support the organization that puts them on?  And, by the organization, I don't just mean the local group but also the national organization.
  Youse don't pays youse money, youse don't got no reason to whine.
  It's that simple.
  At least to me.
  But I will say that the website is well worth waiting for. Oh, there are things I'd like to see on it, but that's just me and I know that I need to talk to the webmaster (in more ways than one) about it.  In an honest effort to improve it in the future.  (Like coming up with a basic checklist of things to put on a site for an event...).
  But then, I just a Welshman...
  aliquantulus ferment nunquam vulnero quisquam 
  (a little ferment never hurt anyone)
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