[Elfsea] Elfsea Digest, Vol 2, Issue 24

Randall Mars rosmerryn at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 15 01:04:19 PDT 2006

To Her Grace, The Most Dearly Beloved Duchess Willow de Wisp
  Gracious Lady, having gone through a kitchen fire two years ago when the wiring on my dryer caught fire and caused serious damage I know a little about what you are dealing with.  I have a service for four in fine blue and white stoneware from Devonshire I would be very honored to offer to you as a gifting. I also have a vacum in excellent condition as well as assorted kitchen equipment of flatware, pots and pans, glasses, and several small appliances including a breadmaker and electric mixer to offer to you for your usage and enjoyment.
  Lovely Lady, I am not selling these things, I am offering them as giftings. I am only sorry I do not have more to present. Along with the giftings I am including a small donation in Love of One Hundred Dollars in coin of the relhm ( aka cash ) for you to use to ease your distress as you see fit. The services, grace, charm, devotion, and honour you have given to the Kingdom of Ansteorra and to the Baronies of Elfsea and Steppes over many years cause someone like me to stand in awe and heartfelt admiration. Your Grace, it would give me much pleasure if you would accept my small offerings. 
  Fiat Lux.
  Rosmerryn Carew de Courcelles mka Randall Mars

If you raise envy in others, 'tis your own strength at blame...for causing such spite from the weak and the tame.~Jocelyn St.Aubin~
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