[Elfsea] Gulf War and job

Crandall Crandall at elfsea.net
Sun May 28 03:07:15 PDT 2006

I am learning more and more about yearbooks, and one of the more unfortunate things I have learned is that the spring push is the biggest for yearbook publishers.
I am not too sure, as yet, but this may be the last Gulf War that I am able to attend. Time off is rare in this time of the year, and I am fortunate that Taylor is allowing me the time. I had told them, up front, that I already had the commitment, and they were gracious enough to say I could go.
So, that being the case, I must make this Gulf War the most memorable I can.
I am planning on drumming until the pain stops. Working with the landocrat, the marshals, and the chirugenate until I fall asleep on my feet. And watching Elfsea and the Iron Brigade tear the Trimarian lines apart in the battles.
But mostly the plan is that I see my friends, and we all have more fun than we can stand. And, if necessary, have fun until we cannot stand.

Be safe, be there.


Life is so Good in Elfsea

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