[Elfsea] Still Have Big Tent For Sale

neil starkey raimonddemora at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 13 06:24:12 PDT 2007

Greetings all,
We still the large 20' X 40' tent for sale here in Amarillo.  The tent come with the roof (of course), the poles (the long things), all of the ropes and stakes (why not), and walls (of sorts).  The asking price is $800 and we can arrangements for delivery or pick up.  Contact HL Raimond at email raimonddemora at hotmail.com or for faster response 806-355-0730 home or cell 806-640-3522.Thanks for allowing me to advertise here.  Feel free to forward this to any group you think may be interested.

A Jester's chief employment, is to kill himself for your enjoyment,
and a Jester unemployed.....is nobodies Fool.  (Danny Kaye "The Court Jester")
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