[Elfsea] Gulf war Watch posts available

Dáire and Druinne -- the Hays Family daire.druinne at gmail.com
Sun Jan 13 05:22:01 PST 2008

I can do that last half of the day (12 hours) as we talked about.  Please
put me down on the schedule.


On Jan 11, 2008 9:18 PM, Richard Threlkeld <rjt at softwareinnovation.com>

>  I am the Watch Day Commander for Monday of Gulf Wars. This is the group
> we don't call Security that patrols and tries to enhance public safety for
> all of us.
> I'm responsible for the 24 hour period starting at 0600 hours (6AM for
> most of us) on Monday morning and going until 0559 on Tuesday morning.  I'll
> need help and lots of it to cover the demands of this period for the whole
> 24 hours. Due to overlaps, the first real shift for you guys starts at 0800
> hours (8AM).
> So far the Baroness and the Seneschal have volunteered to help with this.
> Many others have mentioned they'd be glad to help, but I did not have the
> shifts from Sir Giotto yet and have not recorded them. I'd really appreciate
> it if you would join this august group by sending me an email requesting a
> particular job and shift(s).
> Sir Giotto is the Watch Department head this year. His preliminary
> schedule is as follows.
> 6 Shift Commanders with 4 hour shifts each. Some people have said they
> would like to have an 8 or 12 hour stint as Shift Commander. I can
> accommodate that.
> Each 4 hour Commander shift ideally will have 2 shifts (2 hours each) of 4
> Watch patrols (8 patrols in all). We expect the after midnight hours to have
> less.
> Each Watch patrol consists of 2 persons. Watch members can take more than
> one shift if they wish.
> It is not yet known if late night shifts get extra volunteer points.
> So the shifts are:
> Shift Commanders
> 0800-1200            8AM-noon          ________
> 1200-1600            noon-4PM          ________
> 1600-2000            4PM-8PM            ________
> 2000-2400            8PM-midnight   ________
> 0000-0400            midnight-4AM   ________
> 0400-0800            4AM-8AM           ________
> Watch Shifts
> 0800-1000            8AM-10AM         ________    _________   ________
> __________
> 1000-1200            8AM-10AM         ________    _________   ________
> __________
> 1200-1400            8AM-10AM         ________    _________   ________
> __________
> 1400-1600            8AM-10AM         ________    _________   ________
> __________
> 1600-1800            8AM-10AM         ________    _________   ________
> __________
> 1800-2000            8AM-10AM         ________    _________   ________
> __________
> 2000-2400            8AM-10AM         ________    _________   ________
> __________
> 0000-0200            8AM-10AM         ________    _________   ________
> __________
> 0200-0400            8AM-10AM         ________    _________   ________
> __________
> 0400-0600            8AM-10AM         ________    _________   ________
> __________
> 0600-0800            8AM-10AM         ________    _________   ________
> __________
> In service,
> Caelin on Andrede
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