[Elfsea] Hospitilar and Sewing?

Cid Tyer cidsound at gmail.com
Wed Jun 4 12:16:39 PDT 2008

I believe the young lady is working the 21st, but I will be back in town and
able to attend.  I doubt I will have anything started by then so I could
easily bring my machine for someone else.  I'm working on changing
everything so I'm in need of a fabric shoping day and much research.

I think the idea of combining different activities to one Saturday is a good
idea - perhaps if it were planned between the different disciplines per
space and interest given enough space it could be a nice Barony day serving
to get the Barony together, cut fuel costs by driving to one meeting instead
of several and perhaps perking the interest of others who might not go to a
meeting of such-and-such-where-they-do-this, but are readily interested in
doing their activity of (fill in the blank).  And the grill could be a great
way to finish off the day with food and some fighting practice or bardic or
even the monthy meeting.  Just food for thought...

"My heart is red & sweet, and I know it is sweet because what ever passes
near me puts out its tongue to me." --Sitting Bull
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