[Elfsea] Arlington Library Demo Thanks

Wilkerson, Glen D glen.d.wilkerson at lmco.com
Wed Nov 4 10:01:39 PST 2009

Sorry this took so long...

I would like to thank everyone who came out to the Arlington Library Demo last Saturday, it was another great success.  The library was delighted with what we did again this year, and we will be doing it again next year.

The rough estimate is we spoke to between 100 and 120 people.  I don't know how many signed the contact sheets so I hope the hospitaler, or whoever was playing deputy, will have that information and post it.  And in addition to any information the hospitaler has, I would be grateful if everyone who was there posted a few words about what they did and who they spoke to if they don't mind.

I did not make it out to watch the fighting but I understand it was very well received, as was the brief bit of dancing and bardic that was done in the demo area.  The arts and crafts displayed were again, and as always, worthy of any kingdom competition.  The multimedia and video displays were wonderful, and helped a great deal in conveying the atmosphere of out events.  I personally had a very good day again, none of the kids lost any fingers while handling my swords...

I wish I could thank everyone by name, but honestly my brain was just a little too fried to remember who all was there.  So instead of leaving someone out by accident I will simply say thank you again, everyone.  You know who you are, and you are the people who make these baronies and cantons, and this kingdom, run.

This demo worked because you were there.  Thank you.

Don Alaric Greythorne, "I am NOT in charge here..."
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