[Elfsea] [Steppes] Third Quarter's Archer's Challenge & Pot Luck Revel!

William Black Dragon ironwyrm at sbcglobal.net
Sat Sep 5 18:57:20 PDT 2009

Greetings all,
It's just twelve short hours until we began setting up for our "Archer's 
Challenge & Pot Luck Revel" (and Gothic Pity Party)!  From the emails 
& phone calls we are receiving it would appear as if we are going to 
have quite a few new faces, and maybe some old familiar ones we 
haven't seen for a while too.  We hope to find you among them!
HL William Black Dragon (aka Ironwyrm)
PS: This tournament is an unofficial activity sponsored by participating  
members of our Arc d' Or just for the enjoyment of the populace of our 
central regional groups. 

--- On Mon, 8/31/09, William Black Dragon <ironwyrm at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

From: William Black Dragon <ironwyrm at sbcglobal.net>
Subject: [Steppes] Third Quarter's Archer's Challenge & Pot Luck Revel!
To: "steppes" <steppes at lists.ansteorra.org>, central at lists.ansteorra.org, steppesbowyerandfletchersguild at yahoogroups.com, draconianhorde at yahoogroups.com
Cc: elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org, lindenwood at lists.ansteorra.org, rosenfeld at lists.ansteorra.org, loch-ruadh at lists.ansteorra.org, glasyln at lists.ansteorra.org, dragonsfire-tor at lists.ansteorra.org, emeraldkeep at lists.ansteorra.org
Date: Monday, August 31, 2009, 11:25 PM

Greetings all,
Sunday Sept. 6, 2009 we plan to hold our third Archer's Challenge & 
Pot Luck Revel on the Eastfield college archery range starting at 10 
AM in the morning.  This is a period style archery contest sponsored 
by participating members of your central region's Arc d' Or in an effort 
increase local participation in the SCA, archery and other activities 
related to both.  Everyone is welcome to join us, come share you're 
skills and interests with others present while watching your region's 
archers compete in challenging & at times very amusing contests of 
We do request you dress in garb & bring something to share for pot 
luck, pray keep in mind the weather is still warm so dress & bring items 
appropriate to the season.  Mundane pop-ups & camp chairs are 
recommended, there are shade trees and almost always a breeze 
(Eastfield is well known as the most windy range in the kingdom).  
Bards would be most welcome to come and entertain the spectators 
while marshals swap targets and set up the next round, also I'm sure 
there will be more that one contestant willing to reward for a glowing 
To enter the tournament just bring a largess item to donate to our prize 
basket (something you might enjoy receiving as a prize yourself).  All 
donations are collected at sign up and the basket kept at the marshal's 
table until a winner of the tournament is determined.  I believe it 
important to note our last two tournament winners have generously 
shared their prize baskets with all the archers competing in the 
tournament so everyone had a great time and walked away a prize 
winner (Those darn archers, what were they thinking, always trying to 
be different huh!).
The tournament will consist of eight skill shoots, persona play (how 
well you & your costuming fits your noted time period & location, 
(beware, footwear has been the greatest point killer in this category), 
and a simple boast (example - "I shall out score all whom enter the 
tournament this day!").  Points are accumulative for all skill shoots 
and added bonus points are awarded for persona's and boasts by 
an impartial trio of judges whom shall determine difficulty of and 
completion of either. 
Competitors determined by the judges to have the highest score shall 
be declared the winner of the tournament and awarded the contents of 
our prize basket. 
Steppes Archery Practice range is located at Eastfield College on Motley 
Drive north of I-30 next to the tennis courts.  Parking is available across the 
street at the far end of the Baptist church's parking lot.  There shall be no 
official Steppes archery practice that day so our unofficial tournament will 
began sometime around 10 AM (SCA time or as soon as we get set up).
Those of us attending obviously aren't making Gothic, sooo we're looking 
at doubling as a Gothic pity party as well.  Come join us and have fun!
Please note:  Eastfield is a school and all local & state laws do apply... 
no swords, knives, daggers, or other edged weapons, and no alcohol 
HL William Black Dragon  (aka "Ironwyrm")
PS: This is a roaming quarterly tournament, if your group's archery 
marshal would be interested in bringing our "Archer's Challenge" to 
your group's local archery practice range, contact your local Arc d' Or 
and we'll be glad to see what we can arrange. 
Steppes mailing list
Steppes at lists.ansteorra.org
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