[Elfsea] Thank You for Sideboard Assistance

alianorramacaiodh alianorramacaiodh at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 18 18:00:33 PDT 2013

As for the desserts, 

Huge Thanks of course to my Pelican and Mentor Master Caelen. His lovely wife HL Ker Meggan of Taransay (known as Pyro).
My Protege Brother Lord Guyon DuPre and his Lady wife. 

Everyone in the 'family' helped in some way to make Master Sebastian's vigil and elevation wonderful.  

Thank you William and your Amazing staff for making room for us in the kitchen and also helping us this day, it is greatly appreciated. Your Sideboard lunch was delightful.  

And of course Thank you to Their Majesties for Their presence and His Excellency Alejandro for being such a gracious host. 

In Service I do remain, 

Lady Alianorra MacKkye

Sent via the Samsung Galaxy Note® II, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Joe Pelfrey <joepelfrey at yahoo.com> 
Date: 08/18/2013  19:44  (GMT-06:00) 
To: Barony of Elfsea <elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org> 
Subject: [Elfsea] Thank You for Sideboard Assistance 
Thank you for all of the kind words yesterday towards the sideboard for Baronial College.  It was a pleasure to serve the Barony.  I want to publicly thank all of those good gentles who helped me put this together:
My lovely wife, Cassandra, and eager son, Paul Gerard
My sister, Margaret, and niece Evelyn
The very dependable, Franklin, who always looks for areas to help
Our new honorable lady, Cait
Two very lovely ladies that I just met yesterday, Joni and Dolce
As always, much appreciation for my knight, Sir Arthur
There were a blur of happy, smiling faces that just appeared when it came time to serve the food and keep the table.  I apologize for not tracking all of these good folks.  Please know that you have my thanks.
I'll leave things to Caelin and Alianorra for the desserts associated with Master Sebastian's vigil.  The food was wonderful and it was a pleasure to work with them.
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