ES - Security *needs* Deputies - What's Troll have?

Wilim Penbras wilim.penbras at
Tue May 6 19:33:30 PDT 2014

     I won't be available while the archery shoot is going on but we can 
 arrange a time for me to help with security once I know how much of 
this Troll I'll have to work myself.

So far we have 
1400-1600     Open                    Open
1600-1800     Open                    Open
1800-2000     Open                    Open
2000-2200     Afan Elystan            Conor na Mara
2200-0000     Brighid of Glenbaun     Daniel of Cameron
0000-0200     Honour Dubois           Open
0200-0400     Open                    Open
0400-0600     Open                    Open
0600-0800     Open                    Open
0800-1000     Open                    Open
1000-1200     Lavina del Bakhous      Open
1200-1400     Open                    Open
1400-1600     Open                    Open

Well,  we've got a six pack.  We're kinda shooting for a two-four though.  

Hey,  want to volunteer but want to make sure you won't miss anything you absolutly have to take part in/see?  Talk to a coordinator.  They can arrange to make sure you get the full experience.

I can tell you right now,  Heavy Fighters,  schedule some 'service time' between 8 and noon or Friday Night and know that we'll send you on your way to the list field in plenty of time for the action.

Light Fighters, wanna be on troll when their Majesties arrive?  We're the ones who'll know.  Just think about it, your face being the first they see, and while your doing  such selfless service for the barony and kingdom.  (this is a Royal Event with King's Lancer).  

Archers. Afraid of not being bright and chipper for an eight o'clock start on the range?  Get the 4am-6am shift and have plenty of time to get awake and still have a shower before the range opens.

Let me know what your schedule is and we'll find somehing for you.  want to volunteer but still be mobile?  How about security?   Wanna get your wind up for those long fights?  Voice heraldry is something anyone can help with and nothing opens the lungs better than a good yell.  Just let us know and we can arrange for you to experience life on the other side of the event.

In Service to the Dream (of two Volunteers in every slot)
     Wilim "We don't need no chickens" Penbras

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: Carolyn Smith Pennington <mara_of_rede at>
Reply-To: elfsea at
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 19:20:25 -0700 (PDT)

>You people are so silly! Trolls have trollops!
>Seriously, all this discussion has been fun, but
>I am desperate for volunteers!

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