[Elfsea] Academie of Elfsea

Áine inghean Aodha via Elfsea elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org
Sat Nov 8 15:18:46 PST 2014

**Academie of Elfsea News**

Greetings Elfsea and Dragonsfire Tor!

I wanted to share with you some very exciting news regarding some changes
to the Academie. After discussions with my Deputy, Jeanne-Marie and his
Excellency Ian Dun Gillan, we are pleased to announce the Academie is now
open to everyone in the Barony and Canton!

What this means for the populace at large is that the classes at the
Academie are open to everyone, no matter how long you have been active in
the SCA! This decision is to ensure that everyone has a chance to enjoy the
awesome classes that the Academie has been offering. Everyone, from the
newcomer who has been in the SCA for only a few months, right on up to
their Majesties Ansteorra, can join us and learn from our wonderful
instructors. We are really excited about this news and look forward to
seeing everyone there!

Here are just a few specifics regarding the classes:

- The Academie FB page is now public, so please join us!

- The auditor position is no longer required for these classes. No RSVP is
needed to join the Academie class. :)

- All classes are garb optional. Students may wear street clothes or SCA
garb; the choice is yours. The instructors, however, will still be highly
encouraged to wear their SCA garb when teaching. :)

If anyone has any questions regarding these changes to the Academie, please
feel free to contact myself or my deputy, Michele Hays. Please feel free
to post your questions on this thread as well.

One last thing before I go; Please note that these classes are geared for
newcomers, and thus are specifically written for them. I would ask that
anyone who is not a newcomer, but would like to take these classes, to
remain positive in your participation. We are here to educate and help our
newcomers and give them the best experience the SCA has to offer.

Thank you for all that you do! Remember, we are all hospitalers, and every
newcomer looks to YOU for education and kindness. Let's keep this Barony
full of life and growth!

In Your Service Always,

Áine inghean Aodha mhic Shéafraid
Hospitaler, Barony of Elfsea
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