[Elfsea] Loch Ruadh Scribal

Donna Wallis via Elfsea elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org
Fri Dec 11 13:46:47 PST 2015

Scribal this Sunday will be at Dana's anytime after 6:30. Feel free to bring finger food snacks. Coffee, tea (hot or cold) and water will be available. More of a Holiday Celebration get together, probably not much if any painting will be done.

If you need an address contact me. 

Gwennlian Hertewelle will be at my house and everyoneone is welcome to stop by and see her. 
Smoking is allowed outside or in the garage depending on the weather. I have one cat and one dog so take allergy meds if you require them.
Dana Mac an Ghabhann
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