[Elfsea] Follow-up: Populace Meeting 3/23/15

Seneschal of Elfsea via Elfsea elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org
Tue Mar 24 10:00:31 PDT 2015

Greetings, Elfsea.
If you were unable to attend last night's populace meeting, it was fun and
we had time for much socializing.  Here are a few important dates:

   - This Thursday, *March 26th-- DEADLINE for our next newsletter: Elfsea
   Tidings *
   (Any member of Elfsea can submit items, info, articles, etc.; *NEW
   COLUMN: Word Fame ["all cheers, no jeers"]; *email your submissions to
   chronicler at elfsea.ansteorra.org c/o Lady al Aeryn)

   - This Saturday, *March 28th-- DFT's Texan Con Demo at Tarleton *(Need
   volunteers; contact Lord Franklin Whitenhale)
   - This Sunday,* March 29th-- Combined Populace in the Park *(with
   Steppes! Randoll Mill in Arlington; to bring potluck, contact Lady Eleanor
   Fourth Castle)

   - Next Monday,* March 30th-- Last class of current Academie: Costuming
   Logistics *(For more information contact HL Jeanne-Marie la Verriere)
   - *April 3 - 5 SPRINGFAIRE! * (This is our spring baronial event and
   will be held at Camp Jim Braley in Waco-- see you there! If you want to
   donate to prize baskets, contact Lady Aine inghean Aodh or m'lady Silvana
   Corwin; still need dedicated tear-down/set-up bodies).
   - ​ ​Upcoming events:  *Guardian of the Tor (May 15-17); Baronia College
   (June 27); Azle Public Library Demo (June 20)*

   - Fall Melee Event scheduled for September 4-6 has been tabled due to
   personnel and scheduling conflicts.

If you haven't been able to attend our recent populace meetings, know that
you are missed and we hope to see you soon.  There is a lot of activity and
fresh happenings in our Barony and the only thing missing is YOU.
Life is indeed good in Elfsea!

In Service,
Lady Aoife Ruadh inghean Ragnaill
Seneschal, Barony of Elfsea
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