[Elfsea] Tabletop Siege and Mini-crossbow Tournament at Steppes Twelfth Night:

John Bishop via Elfsea elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org
Mon Jan 4 16:42:34 PST 2016

 Greetings all, 
It's that time of year again and Steppes Twelfth Night is nearly upon us!  With Twelfth Night comes our Feast Crossbow and Table Top Siege Competition!  A contest for all ages that appeals to the child within each of us!  
This year as in previous tournaments it shall be a one on one duel between our competitors to determine our top gun in the flinging of select foodstuffs.  Also as in past tournaments as our competitors are eliminated the ammo only gets squishier (out of doors only).  There can be only one winner and to the victor shall go the spoils (and bragging rights)!  So come join in on the excitement and fun of our annual little tournament!  
Traditionally we hold our tournament out of doors weather permitting of course, however should the weather be uncooperative we shall move the action indoors.  Should that happen only solid ammo shall be used for the competition that it can be easily removed by sweeping up.  Inquire at gate as to the tournaments location.  Although we encourage you to be creative and make your own feast weapon it is not required and there shall be loaner feast weapons for those whom do not have their own.  
The Contest Rules:  
- All mini/feast siege weapons & crossbows must be able to fit inside of a sixteen inch circle.  - All mini/feast siege weapons must not exceed sixteen inches in height.  - All mini/feast prod/bow powered siege weapons & crossbows may not exceed a nine pound draw limit.  - All table top mini/feast siege weapons must remain on the table while in use.  - All contestants must remain in a seated position while they participate within our contest.  - All mini/feast siege weapons & crossbows must be safety checked and approved before they may be used.  - All competitors must wear protective eyewear while competing.  - All competitors must agree to their spotter's hit scored tally.- Any participant failing to respond to being called to compete shall be passed over only once.  - Ammo may be caught or gleamed from the tabletop and reused as long as the competitor remains seated.  - Ammo must strike your opponent intact to count as a hit.- Only ammo provided by the tournament's sponsors is allowed.   
Sign up and inspection starts at 10AM, our tournament begins with the first contestants being called at 11AM (SCA time).  The tournament shall be either a single or double blind draw elimination depending upon our number of participants.  Like mini/feast weapons shall be paired against like competitors for as long as possible.  All participants twelve and younger must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to compete.  
I hope that answers all your questions, if not please feel free to contact me privately.  I wish to thank this year's contest's sponsors the combat archers of the Draconian Horde.  We are very much looking to a very fun filled contest this year!  
HL Wm. Black Dragon 
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