[Elfsea] Follow-up Notes / Officers Meeting (March 21st)

Seneschal of Elfsea via Elfsea elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org
Mon Mar 28 11:47:15 PDT 2016

Greetings, Elfsea.

Once again, my apologies for the delay in getting these notes to you.  I
did bring home Gulf War flu and on-time note distribution was not meant to
be.  Thank you for your patience.

Please see the attached notes below.
Limited paper copies will be available at tonight's populace meeting at the
Bedford Public Library, 7pm.

In Service,
Lady Aoife Ruadh inghean Ragnaill
Seneschal, Barony of Elfsea


Date: *3/21/2016*

Time:  *7pm*

Location:  *Tom’s Burgers, Arlington*

Meeting called by


Type of meeting

*Baronial Officers Meeting*



Note taker


Attendees (Circle All that Apply)


               Attendees (Other)

 K&Q / P&P / *B&B*  /  *Deputies:*   Exchequer        Other:   1 populace



*2016 BARONIAL COLLEGE:  October 1st *


*From Prior Item: *Seneschal and B/B submitted paperwork to Kingdom to move
the date of our Baronial College from August to September 24th

*Status Update:  *Another group needed that date.

                  We were officially provided October 1st for 2016.

Benefits:  This puts more space between Elfsea’s two major events and
Steppes Artisan.  There are no regional conflicts, but it does put it close
to the end of October standing Arlington Library demo.

*TO-DO:* Incoming Seneschal will need to request the first weekend in
October 18 months prior (April of every year for the following year).   Current
Seneschal will get 2017 on the Calendar.

*Agenda Topic*


*VOTE by Officer Corps / Finance Committee Positions #4 & #5*


Ballots to be distributed to standing officers, in accordance with Finance

Vote will determine which Elfsea members fill the two positions vacated by

Officer votes will be tallied at the end of the officers meeting and
announced to the populace on the March 28th meeting at the Bedford Public

Position #4 (Officer Representative) Nominees are as follows:

·      Milady  Johanna de Verona

·      Master Caelin on Andrede       * (Tie for this position.  Revote in
April Officers Meeting.)*

Position #4 (Officer Representative) Nominees are as follows:

·      Sir Tomas Niallagain

·      HL Caitrina Murchadha

·      *Lady Eleanor Fourth Castle    (Officer Vote Majority)  *


Proud of Gulf War response action during storm.  Barony is taking care of
business, but in this case the entire SCA shined.


*DFT Seneschal: *

No new info at this time.

*Exchequer: *Filled but currently open for applications**

All baronial property has been safely returned from Gulf.  No damage or

This position officially closes on March 31st.

*Knight Marshal*: **Filled but currently open for applications**

No new info at this time.

*Archery Marshal*: **Filled but currently open for applications**

            Weather cooperated; Had archery practice on the 8th.  No

            Practice continues to be the 2nd/4th Sundays; no reschedules,
out of

courtesy to Steppes Practice.

*Rapier Marshal*: **Filled but currently open for applications**

The last Wednesday of every month from 7-8pm is to be a rapier class.

February was taught by Don Andreas.

March will be taught by Lord Alain and has a lot to do with avoiding stabs.

April will begin the competition “Bring a Friend to Rapier”.  A point for
every non-SCA person you get to show up (or point for non-SCA repeat
attendance).  Most points gets a prize.  There will also be a “Convert
Someone to Rapier” competition.

Contact Duchess Antigone of York for details.  Good luck to all competitors!

*Minister of Arts & Sciences*:

No new info at this time.

*Nautilus Pursuivant:* **Filled but currently open for applications**

One active, current submission and a past submission success.  The Interim
Nautilus Pursuivant is now officially Cecelia of Kent.  Huzzah!

Plan is to start a heraldry night, similar to scribal nights.

Send any interested folks who need names, devices, or badges to Lady


Over the last month, a few new emails and newcomers at the academie.  The
newcomer gave the academie rave reviews.  Wautaga Library has requested an
individual Knight for an Evening to come and teach children about chivalry.


                        Graduation will be at Elfsea Defender; one

                        New cycle begins in July.

During the interim, there will be hands-on one-day seminars.

*Minister of Children:*

No new info at this time.


Monday, March 28th is the deadline for all submissions.  If you are an
officer and wish to send info, please note the due date.  The Chronicler
would love to fill this issue with Gulf War Stories.  Send your items, if
you have them and include a creative release and/or photo release if
necessary.  Don’t forget to fill out word fame!

*Web Minister: *Filled but currently open for applications**

No new info at this time.


No new info at this time.


No new info at this time.


*Cooks Guild*

            New Motto: “*Apocalypse Catered by Elfsea*”

Gulf War was not necessarily cooks guild, but Guyon Dupree ran the kitchen
for the encampment.  Duchess Antigone ran her encampments kitchen.  Notes
will be compared to improve/innovate.      Master Caelin gave everyone a
run-down of the menu and all who attended and ate the meals at GW stated it
was fantastic.

*Scribal Guild*

            Prepping for Defender; good scrolls and new designs.

The guild received the Royal Huntsman Commission.

The guild is trying to turn in 35-40 kingdom charters to Mistress Kat.

After May, more scribal nights.  Huzzah!

*Clothiers Guild*

            Clothier’s guild is Friday, March 25th at Lady Silvana’s house.



   *ELFSEA DEFENDER (April 1-3, 2016) Sid Richardson BSCamp*

Entourage desperately needed. Our event, at least two-deep.

3 Champions will be selected

Artisan/Prize basket response forms will be distributed by Baroness
Cassandra to the populace.

Germanicus will host Youth Chivalric on Saturday and provide gifts.

OOPS Competition will be hosted by HL Jeanne-Marie

Master Caelin will provide info to Event Stewards on Archery format.

Lady Liadan will have helpful maps of the site and events posted soon.

Childrens activities will be hosted by Lady Silvana and will include a
culture tour with activities from four major places.

Load out will occur on Thursday prior (March 31st).  Need bodies.

Hafla will be coordinated by HL Simha

Pascal Lamb Company will host a Teen Tent

All baronial pavilions will be set up.

   - *CORONATION (Hosted by ELFSEA) (April 9, 2016) Jellystone Park*

   Gate Coordinator, Milady Johanna, needs gate shift volunteers.

   Tear-down and Set-up needs bodies.

   Site opens at 8am, so there is a narrow window to “make it happen”.


   *ARLINGTON LIBRARY DEMO (October 22nd or 29th, 2016)*

      Will *need a coordinator* to begin preparations.

      Last attendance was just under 500 and the Library thinks it will be
      bigger this year.

      Requested Seneschal to find out if COA Library would consider
      allowing the demo in August of this year to ease the fall schedule, since
      Boy Scout Jamboree is so close.


   *BOY SCOUT JAMBOREE (November 2016)*

      Will *need a coordinator* to begin preparations.

      This is a triennial, very large event and helps us maintain
      extraordinarily low prices on the Boy Scout camps.
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