[Elfsea] Elfsea MOAS position - Open for applications

Central Minister of A&S via Elfsea elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org
Tue Nov 29 22:15:25 PST 2016

Greetings unto the populace of the Barony of Elfsea!

As I announced at your recent Moot populace meeting, the position of
Minister of Arts and Sciences (MOAS) for Elfsea is now open for
applications.  I would like to thank Lady Liaden ingen Finnen for her
service to the Barony, and wish her all the best in her future endeavors.

The requirements for this position are:

Requirements of the office:
A. You must be at least 18 years or older and a paid member of the SCA.
B. You are requested to attend officer/populace meetings and local events.
It is not necessary to attend all local guild meetings, although you may
wish to occasionally attend to show support for local A&S.
C. It is highly recommended that you attend round table events that are
held twice a year and are specifically geared for the continuous training
of officers within the Kingdom of Ansteorra
D. Once a month you are required to send a report of local A&S activities
to your regional officer.
E. You need to have management skills to be able to run an A&S competition
or A&S events for the group.
F. You need to be able to effectively communicate with local artisans, as
well as Nobles and Peers.
G. It is recommended that you meet with your local treasurer to find out
the current practices for your office’s budget and current practices for
event expenses.
H. You may not hold more than one office for a group, though you may be a
deputy officer. Should a need for you to temporarily hold another office
arise, please advise your regional officer.

To apply for this position:
An “Application for Office” form can be found on the Kingdom Seneschal’s
Forms Page of the Ansteorran web site at
Please save a copy of the form to your computer.  Fill out this saved form,
and email it to me at central at moas.ansteorra.org.

Should you have any questions about the office or the expectations for the
position, please feel free to ask :)

I look forward to hearing from you!

In service,
HL Jeanne-Marie la Verriere
Central Regional MOAS
Kingdom of Ansteorra
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