[Elfsea] New Elfsea Knight Marshal

Seneschal of Elfsea via Elfsea elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org
Tue Sep 20 18:54:36 PDT 2016

Greetings, Elfsea.

Please join me in welcoming our new Knight Marshal, M'lord Hugi Orlanderson
(Stephen Nering).  He and our outgoing Marshal, Lord Absolon (Stephen
Schubert) have been transitioning duties over the last few weeks and the
results have been seamless.

Huzzah--- and thank you, Lord Absolon, for two years of dedicated martial
service, rain or shine (...a lot of rain!).  Your help was vital in
building the officer corps, and I deeply appreciated your sense of humor.

Huzzah--- and thank you, M'lord Hugi, for taking on such a critical role so
that our populace can have fun and hit each other with sticks. I look
forward to working with you!
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