[Elfsea] Website Calendar

Web Minister via Elfsea elfsea at lists.ansteorra.org
Thu Aug 17 08:37:16 PDT 2017

Hello and Good Morning!

I'm very excited to take on the position of Webminister! I do not yet have
access to the source code on the website to make changes, but I DO have
access to the calendar!

So, any dates, events, recurring meetings, etc that you would like updated
or added to the calendar, please send them to me at
Webminister at elfsea.ansteorra.org. You can also use the submission form on
the calendar page, whichever is easier for you. (Don't forget to include a

Please hold off on any other website updates for the moment.

The calendar can be found here!


Thank you!

Meredith Fitzgerald
Elfsea Webminister
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