GE - April archery/picnic practice

john moore iaenmor at
Tue Apr 11 15:47:57 PDT 2000

>From: "Talmon Parker" <tt_ann at>
>Reply-To: gatesedge at
>To: gatesedge at
>Subject: GE - April archery/picnic practice
>Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 09:59:17 PDT
>   Aw-right!!! we survived anuther one.The household is still
>intact, and everything has been either put up or hidden fron
>view. There was 13 growed ups and 4 smalls, real small that is.
>As per usual the food was good , We had chicken ,bean soup,
>chicken,bread,chicken,and sugar cookies, chicken. Oh did I mention
>chicken, And some delicious ice cream. And on top of all that
>we did shoot some archery. We had a target at an unknown distance
>and were lobbing the arrows at it. Some of US got real close and others 
>an arrow way down range. All told it was a lot of
>fun.Then we tried the string shoot, Once again some of them were
>real close and then there was me. Iaen moore had a string of 5
>arrows at 2'3", Lord eadric had one of 2'13/4" Mine was over 3'.
>  We did do a little bit of standard stuff also. Lady Seren
>was doing embrodery, and Sorcha was making a pretty border on
>some blue material. Lord Patrick joined us once again, it was
>good to have him around to show us how badly we wre doing.
>    Our next archery practice/picnic A&S and other stuff will be
>on may 6th at the parker home in pinehurst.{like I had one
>someplace else} Starting about 10. o clock A.M. And going
>till,Who knows.  Hope to see as many as possible at the next
>shindig out here. In service and friendship.
>            Lord Talmon & Lady Adelicia.
>  If you recieved this before please excuse...Talmon
>              DER BARON
   Actually it was 2 and we found one    Iaen(the other)
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