GE - Domesday List, Maps, Zips

Jeanette merryari at
Thu Aug 17 06:32:10 PDT 2000

--- "Mills, Scott" <Scott.Mills at> wrote:
> Welcome to the area!!

Thank you!
> We would love to have us join our little family but
> you are likely closer to
> or actually in the boundaries of our sister Canton
> of Westgate.
> Westgate officially claims the ZIPs of 77024, 77036,
> 77042, 77063, 77072,
> 77077, 77079, 77082, 77083, 77094, 77099, 77477, and
> 77478.  You can find
> their web pages and contact information at  

Ah.. I wasn't sure - our zip code is 77450 and isn't
listed there either.  Maybe Katy should be called
"Purgatory"? ;-)

> Feel free to join us in Gates Edge at any time. 
> Fighter practice is
> tonight, newcomers meeting (discussing siege
> engines) is tomorrow night, and
> Archery, Brewers Guild, and Do-It meeting are
> Saturday.

Thank you for the invitation!  Maybe we'll make it out



Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it 
ceases to be serious when people laugh. - George Bernard Shaw

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