GE - Dec. Report

Diane M. Mathews camelothorse at
Mon Dec 18 16:36:19 PST 2000

Inspite of the severe rain last week, the weather Sunday Dec.17 was beautiful.  Cool and Sunny.  The high winds from the day before helped to dry up the outside footing.  Sixteen riders were here to practise with three of them being junior riders.  It was still a little too muddy to practise the quintain but everyone had plenty of opportunity to practise ring tilt, heads, pig sticking, and spear throwing.
Laraine brought her completed boffer helm and I (Guinevere ) brought out mine and two boffer swords.  The Advanced riders got a chance to try out this new game.

Our junior rider Deanna authorized advanced.   Linda moved up to Advanced and Angela up to Intermediate.

It was wonderful to see Janet doing well and getting a chance to do some light riding. 

This was our last practise of the year 2000.  The next practise held at Camelot Horse Center for Gate's Edge will be in February----the exact date to be announced later.
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