GE - More about the Contrade - this is a very long post!

Lady Angharad Rhonddha lady_angharad_rhonddha at
Mon Feb 21 11:09:14 PST 2000

Greetings to all:

We are successfully registered (in fact - we are the second group to 
register)!  As requested, I have supplied a mailing address so that I can 
receive the all-important booklet which should tell us more about what we 
need to do for this event.

However, if after reading all this, anyone wants to get together sometime 
this week, let's do it!  I think we are going to need all the time we can 
find to prepare for this event.  My only obligation is a dinner meeting on 
Wednesday, but I can cancel that if necessary.  I work in the 249/1960 area 
and get off at 5.

If you have not already gone to the event website, may I suggest you do so - 
it's accessible through the Barony of the Stargate site at - it's in the Upcoming Events 

Here are my notes so far - please feel free to start adding to these - notes 
in brackets [] are mine:

>From the "The Beginning" section of the webpage:
"It was the winter of 1492 that The Doge first heard about the problem. The 
landed lord Machac Fattoria de Pescare de Gatto had become ill. His 
ministers informed him that the man's youth might mean a problem with the 
inheritance. Even as they suspected, further investigation showed that a 
series of unfortunate accidents had decimated the family. As far as could be 
determined, this young lord was the only surviving blood member. "

"Throughout the winter his condition worsened. Finally his steward sent out 
a call for the family to gather, hoping that somewhere an heir, bastard or 
otherwise, would be found. None came forth. The Doge and his ministers began 
making plans as to what would happen should the young lord die without an 

"The tragedy has continued apace, and the young lord died ere the year 
ended. The Doge has decided that the lands should not fall to the church and 
his own holdings are large enough. So The Doge intends to turn over the 
lands to someone who can properly administer and manage them. But who should 
that be? Many long discussions have been held, but no conclusion found. So 
The Doge has decided to assemble all the contrade who would wish to own the 
land. At this great assembly he will judge who is worthy and capable of 
receiving this bounty."

"The summons has been prepared. Let all who feel they are worthy prepare for 
the assembly."

>From the "Summons" section of the webpage:
"The decision on when to hold the assembly is simple, as soon as possible 
after the bad news of Machac Fattoria de Pescare de Gatto's death and the 
planned assembly can be spread. However a gathering of this size will 
require a reasonable location, preferably on neutral ground for all the 
contrades. A slightly remote place, not convenient to anyone, has been 
selected for the Assembly. The Doge has chosen the Convent of the Sisters of 
Mercy. The decision was not made lightly. The Sisters have been complaining 
of raiders and brigands and this will provide a large armed force to deal 
with them. The location will also gain him back some lost ground with the 
church since he refuses to turn the land in question over to them. "

"Though it will take some time for all interested contrade members to 
arrive, a strict timetable is being devised for the Assembly. The Doge can 
only remain at the Convent for a limited time due to the demands of 
government. Thus any group interested in obtaining the land must prepare now 
to move swiftly when the assembly is called. It would be wise to contact The 
Doge's staff to obtain the latest information and guarantee a good position 
at the Assembly. "

"Due to the great cost of moving The Doge's court, only a limited number of 
nobles, staff, and guards will be traveling to the Assembly. The contrade 
themselves are expected to contribute heavily to the entire occasion. They 
are expected to provide soldiery for protection, constables for maintaining 
civic order, as well as entertainment and sustenance for themselves. The 
contrade should also represent the best of the Renaissance through patronage 
of the arts. Indeed, the contrade who could show a powerful and worthy 
presence so far from their normal base of operations would definitely be 
able to hold the land that must be awarded. Of course those who show their 
generous support of The Doge will be well noted. "

"This would be a wonderful interlude in an otherwise boring time. The only 
problem will be ensuring the safety of The Doge throughout the assembly. For 
there might be those who would take advantage of the confusion and the 
number of strangers to slip in an assassin."

>From the "Assembly" section of the webpage:
"The assembly will be held outside the walls of the Convent of the Sisters 
of Mercy. The Convent will have a small area open for the meditations and 
devotions of the faithful. The Doge and his retinue will have a pavilion on 
the central plaza created for the Assembly. The Contrade will be placed 
around the plaza based on when The Doge's scribe is notified that they are 
attending. To ensure an advantageous place for your group, contact the 
scribe as soon as possible." [Done!]

"Wherever there is a gathering of this quality and style, there will be 
those who attend for their own profit. We have already been informed that a 
banker will establish an office at the Assembly. Also there will be an 
Apothecary to tend to your health, and many other vendors of various types. 
A hiring faire will be available at the tavern for those who need additional 
help during the Assembly."

"Gatherings with this variety of people are always prone to minor mischief. 
The Contrade will be expected to provide guard patrols to move through the 
area and the keep The Doge's peace. Remember that dueling is against the 
law. Those gentles who would demonstrate the fine art of duello should seek 
an appropriate salon."

"The Convent has been subject to raids by brigands and wanderers. The Doge 
has insufficient armsmen to sufficiently protect the area at all times. The 
Doge would look more highly on the Contrade that can assist him in 
maintaining the defense of the area. A game preserve has been set aside for 
hunting to assist The Contrade in providing for themselves during the 
Assembly. "

"There will be a Champions Bout fought for the entertainment of The Doge. 
This will provide each Contrade an opportunity to demonstrate its grandeur 
while presenting their Champion to The Doge. Additionally a truly worthy 
Contrade would have craftsmen and artisans in their retinue. While The Doge 
may not have sufficient time to personally visit each Contrade during the 
Assembly, his ministers will."

>From the Event section of the webpage):
"The Assembly of the Contrade will take place near Hempstead, TX close to 
the intersection of Highways 6 and 290. A map and complete directions will 
be available on this web site in the near future. The site is a fishing and 
camping grounds. The lake is off limits for swimming (too many fishhooks). 
There is running water though you might want to bring something to keep 
water in at your campsite as the spigots are somewhat scattered about the 
site. There are flush toilets by the lake and there will be porta-johns 
placed discreetely at the site. Ground fires are probably ok (depending on 
the ground conditions at the time of the event) bring your own firewood. The 
camping and event area have many trees and shaded zones as well as plenty of 
space for our activities." [Does anyone know where this is?]

"The hiring faire will open Friday night for those individuals who wish to 
offer there services to whichever Contrade can afford them. Pavilions around 
the central plaza for the Contrade should be setup before 9 AM Saturday 
morning. Each Contrade should send a representative to a short meeting at 8 
AM Saturday to confirm their entry and get any last minute information. The 
assembly will begin Saturday morning on April 29th promptly at 9 AM when The 
Doge introduces his retinue to the gathered contrade. [Looks like we will 
need to plan for a lot of Friday participation - I may schedule a half-day 
of vacation] The event shall progress from there. See the activities section 
for a brief description of what you can expect to see and/or participate in. 
Or better yet, sign up via email and receive the event booklet which has a 
lot more information.'

"This is a 'High Persona' event. If you have never been to one before, the 
idea is that everyone will act in persona throughout the event. This is true 
live role-playing for an entire day whenever you are in the event area. One 
group of people has already informed us that they will be coming as 
mercenaries, hiring themselves out to whichever contrade can pay for them. 
This is a VERY period activity for Italy in the late 15th century. Come out 
and play your persona. That means that after 9 AM on Saturday, all 
activities, conversations etc. in the event area should be in persona. Coke 
cans, Cigarettes, cars, etc. are not period. Disguise any modern items you 
need to have in the event area (like cameras). The camping area is not 
considered part of the event area. There are several good references for 
this period listed in the event book. If you need suggestions on how to 'fit 
in' or what you can do, send email to The Doge and he and his staff will be 
happy to assist you." [Once again, the minute I get this event booklet in my 
hands, you'll get that information]

"The event is a group event. That is the winner will be a contrade, a group, 
not a person. The prizes are things of beauty and utility to fill a group's 
pavilion. Period lighting, seating, floor coverings, and embellishments are 
part of the prize. While there may be word fame and largess given to 
particular individuals for their actions during the event, the main prize 
goes to a group. The event is judged. There are a lot of people who are both 
participating as part of the event and helping to evaluate the performance 
of the contrade, how well its members stay in persona (High Persona 
remember), and how well they keep to the spirit of the event. The winning 
group will be announced in Court on Sunday morning"

>From the Activities section of the web page "Each Contrade should be 
prepared to present their Chivalric Champion and their Contrade to The Doge 
with as much pageantry as they can muster. This will be done at scheduled 
times for each Contrade throughout the day [aparently Saturday]. [this could 
be a lot of fun! I've got an idea but need to check it out first before I 
look silly.] Additionally any displays by artisans or craftsmen should be 
done at a pavilion / headquarters setup by the Contrade around the central 
plaza. Position around the plaza is determined by when your group registers 
as a Contrade.[We should get a good position!] Consistent heraldic display 
will make your Contrade much easier to identify, both for its members and 
headquarters. [Not sure if we use our own canton banner or we need to come 
up with something new]. Entertainments for The Doge can be scheduled with 
The Doge's secretary. [Again, we could pull out all the stops for this one]"

"Chivalric combatants will be responsible for the defense of the area 
against any invaders. This will be melee combat in a variety of environments 
and situations. There is no limit to the number of fighters in a Contrade 
(or in the invaders). If you feel you need additional fighters, hire some at 
the hiring faire. Rapier combatants will be responsible for keeping the 
peace at the event. Problems could occur anywhere, at any time. Be prepared. 
Archers may demonstrate their skill in fortification attack and in hunting 
with target arrows. Bring your own equipment." [The only fights I've ever 
been in - and won, I might add - are battles over sale items at a Pennsic 
Midnight Madness Sale.  I will look to our stalwart fighters in this area.]

"Each Contrade will need 'diplomats' to negotiate with The Doge's retinue 
and other Contrade. The Doge will be holding a civil court for which each 
Contrade will provide a senator to sit in judgement. Should any cases be 
brought before The Doge against your Contrade, you will need an advocate to 
speak in the court for you. A Contrade is expected to be aware of what is 
going on at the Assembly." [This is the area we need to know more about - do 
we have any budding layers out there?]

"The evening revels will conducted in the central plaza. The Contrade should 
provide for their own peoples sustenance and entertainment while displaying 
their abundance and generosity. There will be a feast competition for the 
Contrade's chefs to demonstrate their skills as well. [Looks like another 
chance for us to shine!] More information is available in the booklet when 
you register." [I am waiting on this booklet!]

In service,

Lady Angharad Rhonddha of Glamorgen
mka Rondah Irving-Phelps
Sable, a closed book palewise Or
"The little stars always shine while the great sun is often eclipsed." - 

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