GE - February Business Meeting

StephenMacthomas at StephenMacthomas at
Thu Feb 24 20:34:56 PST 2000

Greetings to the list from Lord Stephen:

Due to circumstances beyond my control, I will be unable to host this month's 
business meeting at my home.  If anyone has any suggestions, please put them 
forth for discussion ASAP.

Also, with the number of officers the canton now has, I've been considering 
moving the business meeting to another location.  My home, though nice, is a 
bit small for thirteen people, plus family members, plus other members of the 
populace interested in the business of the canton.  I'd also like to find a 
new permanent location for the Gate's Edge business meeting.  Let's see if we 
can locate a new home for our officers this month, or at the March populace 
meeting at the latest.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to post them to the list.

I apologize for any inconvience this rather short-noticed move may cause 

In service to Gate's Edge and her populace,
Lord Stephen
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