ANST-Announce - Change in Policy regarding Local Fighter Practices

Kief av Kiersted sirkief at
Thu Jul 20 01:53:18 PDT 2000

Heilsa all Ansteorran Marshals and Fighters...

There has, of late, been a substantial problem as regards Warranted Marshals 
and "legal" Local Fighter Practices.

Local groups have only one Warranted Knight Marshal. Many do not have any 
Knights holding the Authorizing Marshal certification, or an Authorizing 
Marshal within their territory. This can be a problem when the Local 
Warranted Knight Marshal cannot make every practice for whatever reason. 
Many Local Knight Marshals are active fighters and no one can ask them to 
effectively stop fighting tournaments and melees for their two year tenure. 
Yet, Kingdom Law _requires_ a Warranted Knight Marshal to attend all 
official functions where there is active Combat. It's a miserable "Catch 22" 

Here is the solution (at least until a better idea comes along).

In consultation with the Kingdom Seneschal, Master Richard Fairborne, the 
Earl Marshal does set the following policy:


Effective immediately, 20 JULY 2000, All Official Local Fighter Practices 
will be considered legally convened when the following listed conditions 

1. The Local Fighter Practice must be published in either the Local 
newsletter or the Black Star stating location, date, and time.


2. The Local Knight Marshal, holding at least Inspection Marshal 
certification in the form of a current Authorization Card, and listed on the 
Warrant Roster is present at the location of the Local Fighter Practice at 
the stated date and time.

OR (in conjunction with condition 1.)

3. An Authorizing Marshal, with current Authorization Card, and listed on 
the Warrant Roster is present at the location of the Local Fighter Practice 
at the stated date and time.

OR WHEN (in conjunction with condition 1.)

4. A Marshal, holding, at a minimum, Inspection Marshal certification in the 
form of a current Authorization Card AND any other current Warranted Officer 
of the Local Group are both present at the location of the Local Fighter 
Practice at the stated date and time. The Warranted Officer must remain for 
the entire duration of the Local Fighter Practice.

5. There will be no fighting whatsoever at the published location and 
specific date, at any time on that date, if the above stated conditions are 
not met.

6. When the Warranted Marshal, Warranted Officer, or Inspection Marshal 
leaves the Fighter Practice location either temporarily or for the day all 
fighting must cease until the above stated conditions can be reestablished.

7. If the above stated conditions cannot be reestablished then all fighting 
must end for that date and location.

8. Any group found to be in non-compliance with this policy will be subject 
to possible sanction.

9. This policy applies only to Official Local Fighter Practices. It does not 
apply to "private" fighter practices, nor to non-published 
open-to-the-public fighter practices.


Please send any comments, suggestions or complaints privately to the Earl 
Marshal, Sir Kief av Kiersted.

Wæs Þu Hæl kinfolk...!
Kief - EM Ansteorra
"Better the Hammer than the nail..."

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