ANST-Announce - Lughnasad A & S

Padraig Ruad O'Maolagain padraig_ruad at
Sun Jul 30 12:00:24 PDT 2000

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
Reply-To: loch-ruadh at
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 22:23:19 EDT


Loch Ruadh cordially invites you to our Lughnasad Arts & Science event. 
(Canton Trade Days grounds, August 12)

Let us share the harvest of talent we have in our wonderful kingdom. This is 
an all level event.  We will break into classes of beg/inter/adv if we have 
enough response.  We are also offering a children's Arts and Science event. 
Decisions are made by popular vote, although judges have been invited to give 
commentary.  Documentation is not required but always a welcomed and 
important part of your art.  A 5x8 index card will be provided to give you a 
space for type/time/style/material info.  If you have never participated in 
an event, please come and let this one be your first.  The emphasis is on 
sharing our arts and displaying the wealth of talent of everyone . 

We welcome you, the artisan!  Everyone gets a prize for participating.  
Special prizes for winners of the populace vote will be on display, prior to 
the judging.  Feast will be included with site fee. 

Come celebrate the harvest.

Asa Hrafnasdottir
A&S Minister 
Loch Ruadh

(an apology to those who receive double postings)

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