ANST-Announce - KWHS 10 reasons!
MGreene at
MGreene at
Wed Jun 14 16:16:54 PDT 2000
It is now 10 days till the Knowne World Heraldic Symposium (KWHS), in
Houston, TX on June 23-25th. In honor of that fact, the following is a
list of the 10 best reasons to attend Knowne World Heraldic (and Scribes)
10. A chance to visit historic Rice University, take a self-guided tour of
the gothic style architecture, and share a pint of beer in the campus pub,
9. Take a scribal field trip, scheduled for Sunday morning at the Musueum
of Printing History of Houston.
8. Dorms, classrooms and cafeteria are all 'Air-Conditioned' ... we
7. Houston Museum of Fine Arts has opened its second large building with
an impressive SCA period collection of paintings and scultures, open late
Friday night till 9pm, and Sat. and Sun. till 7pm. Within walking
distance of campus.
6. Houston Museum of Natural History is showing '1000 years of Kremlin
Gold', a fabulous display of over 100 pieces from the Kremlin vaults, more
than 1/2 the items in a Byzantine style through 1600's. Also, near
5. A indoor, secure room where scribes can display their original works
and kingdom court books, with no risk of sweaty fighters dripping on these
works of art.
4. A chance to ask Laurel, Queen of Arms, any heraldic question you want,
at her 'Ask Laurel Questions' class.
3. Meet and learn from Scribes and Heralds from the 14 SCA kingdoms.
Pick up a copy of the event 'Proceeding's' with articles from Heralds and
Scribes of the knowne world. And shop the books of 'Free Trumpet Press',
on site.
2. Select from 30 classes on heraldry, SCA historical names, calligraphy
and illumination.
1. Your ** 'Aunt Steorra' ** wants YOU to attend Knowne World Heraldic
(yeah! its tweeks, but had to do it! :-)
ITS NOT TOO LATE TO REGISTER! Postal and e-mail registrations still
being accepted. Site Registrations available at the event, with limited
dorm space and meals available at the door. You can still attend the
event, take classes and socialize; without purchasing dorm space or meals.
Check out our website at :
Flyers will be available at Troll at Kings College, this weekend! Hope
to see you at KWHS!
Cheers! Hillary Greenslade KWHS Autocrat
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