ANST-Announce - Bardic Roll Call

Lady Simone ldy_simone at
Thu Jun 15 16:05:41 PDT 2000

Greetings to the Bards Of Ansteorra Form Your Information Coordinator

I am Compiling a list of the Bards in Ansteorra To be displayed on the
Bardic College Website  with a section for each bard to Have a Persona
Biography and a showcase for their works. All individuals that consider
themselves to be Bards in this Kingdom can be Showcased in the Bardic
Gallery. I am Currently Working on the Setup Pages for this section of the
new site, and need to know if you would like to be included. The following
is a List of Bards I've come up off the top of my head. If you wish to be
added to or removed from this list please e-mail me at
ldy_simone at if your name is not yet on the list do not be
offended I am Very Bad a remembering names, and am actually surprised with
the Number of names I did recall. Names with ** By them I have already
received your information from you, so you can disregard this Announcement.
If a name is Misspelled Please..Please Give me the Correct Spelling

In Loving Service
Lady Simone maurian Ui'Dunlainghe

The List

** Viscount Galen Of Bristol
    Duke Johnathan De Lauffyson
    Duchess Willow De Wisp
    Count Finn Kelly O'Donnell
    Don Llywellen Gruffydd
    Mistress Xene Theanous (SP?)
    Mistress Jalali (SP?)
    Master Ulf Gunnerson
    Baron Aethelstine (SP?)
    Master Lucase (SP?)
    Don Robin of Gilwell
    Master Modious (SP?)
    Mistress Rosalynn De Anglitaire (SP?)
    Master Pippin (SP?)
    Baron Michael Silverhand
    Baron Emmerys Shunnon (SP?)
    Master Cedric Fithelere
    HLy Mara of the Reed
**  HL Darious Of the Bells
    HL (wormy) Willam Worm
**  HL Robert Fitzmorgan
    HLy Rhiannon Redwolf
    HL Giovanni (SP?) (from the Steppes)
    Ldy Bridget O'shaynesey
    Ldy Nicholette (SP?) (from Elfsea)
 **Ldy Simone Maurian Ui'Dunlainghe
    Ld Phillip White
    Senán Mac Tighearnain (SP?)
    Ld Timothy of Glatsonbury
    Ld Antigonus Bearbait (SP?)
    Ld Amra (SP?)
    Ld Padrig (SP) (from Loch Ruadh)
    Ldy Elenor O'Rourk
    Ldy Bella O' Rourk
    Ld Guinn koko Nidu (SP?)
    Ldy Morganna Ahazared
    Afrena Ui'Dunlainghe

Your Assistance in keeping this list current and letting me know if you
would like to be displayed in the Bards gallery of the new site Please let
me know. Again Please  send additions or removals to this list to
ldy_simone at
and Please  let me know As soon as possible if you would like you and your
works showcasses in the Gallery.

Lady Simone
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