ANST-Announce - Charters, color copies, etc.

Lee Lemons lalemons at
Thu Jun 15 20:50:26 PDT 2000

Greetings unto the wonderful scribes of Ansteorra!

Due to several requests for color copies of award charters, I have once
more, for the last time,  run off sets of color copies that I will have
available at King's College, Known World Heraldic Symposium, and Academy
of the Rapier.  I have two different sets - one set consists of 15 pages
and is for $20.30.  The next set consists of 10 pages and is for
$13.53.  First come first serve!

At King's College there will be charter painting from 11:00 - 1:00.  At
Known World Heraldic there will be charter painting all day.  I am not
sure as to the exact times charter painting will be happening at Academy
of the Rapier but will be there all the same.  More news about that
charter painting will be forthcoming soon from the wonderful scribe who
will be running it.

At all three mentioned events there will be plenty of blank award
charters for scribes who have run out, and plenty of opportunities to
sit with experienced scribes for ideas, tips, and help.  Scribes who
have painted charters to turn in -- these would be great events to turn
you work in!

I look forward to seeing you!

In Service to the Dream,

Baroness Curstaidh Magorlick
Star Signet
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