ANST-Announce - UPDATED bardic Roll Call
Lady Simone
ldy_simone at
Sat Jun 17 12:08:01 PDT 2000
This is the updated list as I have it so far.
Again if thier is a ** By your name I already
Have your Biorophy information.
INformation we are looking for from each bard
that wishes to Be represented in the Gallery is
1. Group the Bard is from
2. Persona Biogrphy and acolates in the Performing and Bardic Arts
3. Pic of Self in garb and divice if one is registered so thier is a face to
go with a name
4. A body of original works to be displayed to showcase your talent (Note:
Storage space is NOT repeat NOT Limited)
5. A desision if the works are to posted only for display or to be included
in a Knowne world Bardic Book
6. Contact information id you want to Provide it or we can add a guest book
to your individual page.
Area 3. Kingdom Histories A section devoted to the histories of the kingdoms
and groups thought the known world. histories of the various wars. these
histories can be a valuable too for new up and coming bards to compose new
pieces about our societies rich history. as well as preserve that history
** Also Looking for Listings of Title bards from Various Groups and
Ie. Title Bards for the Shire of (name of Group, Kingdom)
List of Titled Bards ( Bards that have wone a competion to represent
the group)
Some good news about this project. due to arangements
that have been space is not a problem.
we will have what we need and more to come. When the new site
is released there will no longer be those anoying ad banners.
and we should have a Domaine all to our selves. Space has been
volenteered on a private server for this project :-)
Oh BTW I've recived information form many Bards in trimaris For thier
Kingdom's info
Though you might want to know.
As usual and corrections additions or removals contact me at
ldy_Simone at
** Viscount Galen of Bristol Baron Of Elfsea
Duke Johnathan De Lauffyson of the Barony of Elfsea
Duchess Willow De Wisp of the Barony of Elfsea
Duchess Sigliende (SP?) Of the Baron Of Stargate
Countess Rebecca (SP?) of the barony of Strgate
Count Finn Kelly O'Donnell of the Barony of Weisenfoyer
Don Llywellen Gruffydd of the Barony Of Elfsea
Mistress Xene Theanous (SP?)of the Barony Of Elfsea
Mistress Jalali of Salamis
Master Ulf Gunnerson Baron of Namron
Baron Aethelstine Aethelmereson of the Barony of Namron(SP?)
Master Lucais is Lucais Du Bellier (SP?)
Don Robin of Gilwell of the Barony of the Steppes
Meister Modius von Mergentheim of The Barony of Stargate
Mistress Rosalynn De Anglitaire (SP?) of the Barony of Weisenfoyer
Master Pippin (SP?)
Master Avitar (Sp?)
Baron Michael Silverhand Baron of Stargate
Sir Emrys Shaunnon Baron of Bjornsborg
Mistress Catrin ferch Gwilym O Gonwy of the Barony of NorthKeep
Master Cedric Fithelere of The barony of Bjornsburg
HLy Mara of Rede of the Barony of Elfsea
** HL Darious Of the Bells of the Barony of Elfsea
** HL Fionnagan Dubh of the Barony of Namron
HL (wormy) William Nabal
** HL Robert Fitzmorgan Of The Barony Of NorthKeep
HL Ihon Vinson Macfergus of The Barony of Stargate
HLy Rhiannon Redwolf of the Shire of Mooneshadowe
HL Giovanni (SP?) (from the Steppes)
HL Gerald of Stargate
Lady Celeste Alinor Courtenay de Montmorency of the Barony of the Eldern
** Ld. Cianan O'Domhnaill of North Edge of The barony Of Eldren Hills
** Ldy Bridget O'Shaynesey of the Barony of Elfsea
Lady Nicolette de Loria of the Barony Of Elfsea
Ld Charles MacKinnon of the Barony of Bryn Gwlad
** Ldy Simone Maurian Ui'Dunlainghe of the Barony Of Elfsea
Ly. Isabela del Bosque Baony of Northkeep
Ld Phillip White of the Barony of Elfsea
Ld Timothy of Glatsonbury of The Barony of Elfsea
Ld Antigonus Bearbait (SP?) of The Barony of Elfsea
Ld Amra (SP?)of the barony of the Steppes
Ld Padraig Ruad O'Maolagain of the Canton of Loch Raudh, Elfsea
Lady Maria da Firenze of the Canton of Gate's Edge, Stargate
Ldy Elenor O'Ruark
Ldy Bella O' Rourke
Ld Gurin Koko Nidu
Ldy Toinette de Cambrai
Ldy Mirella de Bastianni of The Barony of Stargate
Ldy Morganna Ahazared of the Canton of Westgate, Stargate
Ld. Helgi Olavsson of the Shire of Seawinds
Ldy Aerin of Adlersruhe
Pebyr Ap Cucorin of Bjornsborg(Pubear)
Afrena Ui'Dunlainghe of The Barony Of Elfsea
Gavvin Quinn of The Barony of Elfsea
Senán Mac Tighearnain of the Canton Of Dragonsfire Tor, Elfsea
So Far 56 Bards...WOW I'm Looking forward
to Building a whole bunch of pages....So get me the information.
so I can put content on you page.
In Loving Service
Lady Simone
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