ANST-Announce - Titled Bard of Loch Ruadh

Padraig Ruad O'Maolagain padraig_ruad at
Thu Jun 29 11:50:26 PDT 2000

Bards of Ansteorra! 
Who among you will become the first Titled Bard of the Canton of Loch Ruadh? 

Come to Lughnasad, 11-13 August, at the Canton First Monday Trade Days site, Canton, Texas, and take part in the competition, to be held in a traditional Ansteorran Bardic Circle. 

Guidelines for the Loch Ruadh Titled Bard Competition 
To be held at Lughnasad, on August 12, AS XXXV 
Competition Coordinator:  Lord Padraig Ruad O’Maolagain (padraig_ruad at 

The Competition will take place in a traditional Ansteorran Bardic Circle 
and will begin after the Feast and once sufficient darkness has fallen. 
Those wishing to compete will make themselves known to the judges. 
Competition pieces will be interspersed with traditional songs that 
everyone can sing along with. 

Each bard will be limited to 10 minutes to present their competition piece. 
Those who exceed the time limit will be disqualified. 
Any oral form of presentation is acceptable:  tale, poem, prose or song, 
and may be accompanied by musical instruments if the bard wishes. 
Songs set to modern tunes (commonly called “Filk”) are acceptable, 
as are modern styles of poetry, prose and stories.  However, Period pieces 
and those done in a Period style will carry more weight with the judges. 
If the judges deem it necessary to make a tie-breaking decision, bards 
may be asked to perform a second piece; this does not have to be the same 
form as the first piece, i.e., a song may be followed by prose, poetry by a 
tale, etc. 
The winner of the competition will be named Loch Ruadh Titled Bard, 
and will be presented with pass-down prizes of a bardic staff and a bardic 
cloak, and assorted (very nice) keeper prizes.  The Titled bard will be 
asked to compose at least one piece about the Canton of Loch Ruadh 
during their term as Titled Bard and to perform it whenever possible, and 
will serve as a judge at the next Titled Bard of Loch Ruadh 

Please feel free to contact me with any questions. 

In Service 
Padraig Ruad O'Maolagain 
of House Mac an Ghabhann 

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