GE - We will celebrate!!!!

Talmon Parker tt_ann at
Wed Mar 1 16:54:44 PST 2000

   My lords and Ladies.
That all may rejoice in our good fortune.Let it be known, that as of today 
my lady has been released, by her doctors ,from the dreaded
hypobaric treatments. We are down to just one doctors visit per week
now. No more struggling to get both eyes open for the trip into Tomball 
every morning. All I have to do is teach the cat that it really isn't 
necessary to attack my leg when I loll around in the bed a little longer 
than daybreak. Sorry for missing the BW&SG over the week end,but wet feet 
just aren't in the best interest at this time .
Open toed sandles don't help either.I'm sure that the event went well 
without our help anyway. Nobody has told me whether the feast
was enough to cry about missimg or not.I've been giving these 99 cent
hamburgers a lot of close attention for the last month. So now I'm
ready to give my expert opinion on the food at the next event.
      May the sun warm our back and your feet trod a level path.
                 Yours in all good friendship and service.
                   Lord Talmon & Lady Adelicia.

              DER BARON

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