MOC Report RE: GE - Re: End of Reign Reports

blaan at blaan at
Sun May 21 16:47:19 PDT 2000

Ahem.  Allow me to gently point out that Steven is the seneschal.  It is his job
to point out certain things and to handle certain things.  I can certainly
appreciate the sentiments which foster such missives.  We all need a reminder
now and again as to what needs to be done.  Some of us are better at doing
certain things, such as being organized enough to write a good report, than
others.  But even with the best of intentions, such missives will serve only to
1)  undermine Steven's authority as seneschal, 2)  anger (rightly) the people
who may, however necessary,  need the reminder because it is *Steven's* job to
take them to task if they aren't doing what they need to be doing, 3)  create an
atmosphere of finger-pointing within our canton which would be really ugly, and
4)  make many people who are not involved in the "you shoulda-I shoulda"
controversy  uncomfortable.  I've even seen such well intentioned beginnings
turn really bad and drive off populace in droves because they only percieved the
officers as bickering and picking at each other.

    Folks, I would personally hope that y'all would just sit back and let our
seneschal, who was my deputy when I was seneschal, and in whom I have perfect
confidence is able to get his officers to comply with what he needs for them to
do, do his job without all the help.  Its kinda like back seat driving.  Well
intentioned, and maybe even perceived by some as necessary, but really insulting
to the driver and irritating as all get out to the rest of the passengers.

'nuff said


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