ANST-Announce - KWHS flyers at Steppes
MGreene at
MGreene at
Tue May 23 21:58:49 PDT 2000
Greetings Populace! Knowne World Heraldic (and Scribal) Symposium is
fast approaching (30 days till the event). Registration flyers will be
available at Steppes Warlord Troll, this weekend. Also, I will be
available to accept completed registrations (find me in the hall with the
charter painters) on Saturday and Sunday. The Canton will take post-dated
checks with your reservations, dated no later than June 23rd, date of the
event. This will assist us with an exact headcount for the dorm meals and
room reservations, which must be made in advance.
Reminder... if you promised an article to Mistress Teleri for the
Proceedings book, the absolute - final - deadline is May 31st. If you
haven't promised an article, but have one to submit on the Heraldic and
Scribal arts, the deadline is May 31st. The article must be in her hands
in electronic format only, e-mail attachments preferred, by that date. If
you want to bring a disk and hardcopy to Steppes, I can collect it from you
Further information on Knowne World Heraldic may be found on our website
See you at Steppes! Hillary Greenslade, Autocrat KWHS
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