ANST-Announce - Ultima Online Worldfaire Demo

Rhonda & Chuck Leggett leggettr at
Fri Oct 13 15:27:42 PDT 2000

     The folks at Origin Systems are holding a convention on Nov.10-11
8am-6pm at the Austin Convention Center. They have asked for the SCA's
participation on both days. They have offerred us: free admission for anyone
who participates, a 20X24 stage area for demos of performing arts and
combat, and a 10X10 booth with a 6' table and 2 chairs to use for
recruitment purposes.  They are allowing us up to 4 hours each day to use as
to best suit our needs and are willing to schedule other performers around
us if need be. They are very anxious to have the SCA participate but will
need a schedule of our performances and a list of those planning to attend
and help with the demos and the booth so passes can be prepared and they
will be able to formalize their schedule.  This convention is predicted to
attract many people from all over the United States. As such, I would like
to offer every location in Ansteorra the opportunity to participate and
recruit new members.  I am personally willing to work the booth on both
days, from opening until closing, as well as set up a display of A&S items
at the booth. This demo will give us the chance to not only show off our
combat but also our performing artists and to show folks some of the A&S
items we do. This will give people a much better idea of what the SCA is and
does, and with the medieval theme, although leaning more toward fantasy than
we do, will attract people who already have interest in the medieval time
     I have 3 rapier fighters, 2 heavy combat fighters, 2 bards, and 5
willing to work the booth.  Please let me knoe the day, time, and what you
will do if you are able to participate. Remember, to be able to take
advantage of this recruitment opportunity we need to have a list of names
and a schedule available to the coordinator of the convention by next

Lady Tabitha Baker
Seneschal Bryn Gwlad

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