GE - Leif Rasmussen

Talmon Parker tt_ann at
Sat Oct 14 17:09:34 PDT 2000

   Unto the populous of gates edge. Once again it falls to my lot to
bring bad news. Leif{or Lee} was involved in a bad car wreak friday
night. He was stopped at the red light at falvel &2920, when he was rear 
ended by a 15 year od boy who had sneaked out of the house and taken his 
fathers truck for a joy ride. The cops said he was fooling with the radio 
when he hit lees VW. They estimate that he was traveling about 75 mph when 
he hit him.He is now in Memorial n.w.
Med.ICU. He has two skull cracks,which the doctor says will not
grow back together. Since the skull stops growing at about 12 years
of age. That is something that he will have to live with.He has blood on the 
brain He also has bitten his tongue,I don't know how bad yet.
  At this time he will be in med-icu for another 48 hrs.or so
then they will probably move him to recovery on the 4th floor.
That's about all I know at this time. If anyone has a prayer for him,
he could sure use it now.         Talmon Baron in gates edge.
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