GE - Good news about Leif & Adelicia.

Talmon Parker tt_ann at
Thu Oct 19 19:08:58 PDT 2000

  Well at last I have some good news about the parker clan. Leif has been 
taken off the heart monitor& Iv, and has been walking in the hall way 
without help. He walked forward and backward, stood on one foot and has 
started to eat. He had another head catscan this morning and if it goes well 
,he will probably go home tommorow.Needless to say this is quite a relief 
for all our group.He is not showing any signs of nausea. He still has a bad 
headache though.
  Now for the news on Adelicia: She is setting up on the potty without help. 
She still has a hard time getting there, but once in place{so
to speak}she manages quite well. She is eating her breakfast real well, 
lunch and dinner not so good.She was able to take 13 steps in the hall 
yesterday. This is with a walker and 2 therapy people watching.Her wound is 
supposed to be trimmed tomorrow,by the dr.This will allow the raw edges to 
start to heal together.After that happens she will go to rehab for 4 to 8 
weeks to learn to move again.
    Thats about all the good news I can stand in one day.
  Thanks for all your good thoughts   Talmon
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