GE - quick update on Lee & Adelicia.

Talmon Parker tt_ann at
Wed Oct 25 17:22:16 PDT 2000

  This is just a quick update on Leif & Adelicia.
Leif has been released from the hospital as of last Sunday Eve.
He appears to be his old self.Still has a headache,but what the hey!!
He's alive but has a ways to go before he gets released by the doctor.
  Lady Adelicia is still doing her best to improve. It has now been 
determined that she will have plastic surgery on her wound. There will be 
several  more hyper-baric treatments before that takes place. She is feeling 
a little better each day, but gets down in the dumps every once in a while. 
Guess I couldn't blame her,Its been a long session and more
to go.Still I'll be glad to see any improvement.
       Thanks for every thought that you send for her recovery.

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