ANST-Announce - Fw: October IKAC Report - Important

Bob Dewart gilli at
Wed Oct 25 18:09:00 PDT 2000

Greetings and Hi There,

Please pardon the interuption but this just hot off the electron as it were.
This is the current standings in the InterKingdom Archery Competitions.
While we were improving our position, so was most everyone else.  Still,
ViVat Ansteorran Archers!!!  We're still doing pretty good.  And There's
still time to do even BETTER!!  While most think Ansteorra means single
star, I think it means "Number ONE Archer".


Shoot More Arrows And More Will Hit GOLD.

> Please forward to appropriate mailing lists not already addressed.
> For the past two years I've had the honor and pleasure of being Keeper of
> the IKAC.  Unfortunately the time has come for me to step down.  I am
> accepting applications now and I will step down and hand over the reins
> January 2001.  Applications can be in the body of an e-mail or as a Word,
> RTF or text attachment.  Send applications to ikac at with
> "Application" in the subject line.  Applications should include Mundane
> SCA name, mailing address, phone number and e-mail address, as well as
> SCA resume.  Candidates need to have a computer capable of sending and
> receiving e-mail attachments and experience with either a database or
> spreadsheet application.  Application deadline is 31 December 2000.
> As Keeper of the IKAC your duties will include receiving and recording
> scores, sending out monthly reports, updating the rules, interpreting the
> rules and providing medallions for the victorious archers at the end of
> season.
> Of course I will help the new Keeper in his/her first year just as Sir Jon
> helped me and I will be responsible for any issues that arise before
> 1st.
> I made the difficult decision to resign because my mundane life has left
> very little free time, even on the weekends.  My responsibilities as a
> software developer these last 18 months have grown considerably and the
> project deadlines get shorter all the time.  This doesn't leave me much
> or energy at the end of the day to put towards my IKAC duties.
> Early on I was asked, "Why do we shoot the IKAC?"  At first I found it a
> difficult question to answer.  There are hundreds of archers competing in
> the IKAC and what single, unifying reason could I find?  I revisited the
> question again and the answer quickly became self-evident.  We, the
> community, are a strong fraternity, for though there are many Kingdom
> conventions regulating the other SCA martial arts within their lands, the
> eloquent simplicity of the stick and string allows us to compete against
> peers on a range without borders.  That, for me, is the essence of the
> The Southern Hemisphere season ended September 1st and will start again
> December 1st.  If you haven't sent in your IKAC score sheets, please do so
> now.
> The Northern Hemisphere season ends December 1st.  Please send me your
> sheets soon after so I can send the final standings back to the Kingdom
> Archery Marshals in time for Twelfth Night.
> Below are the top scores as of October 22nd.  Scores received after that
> time will appear in the next report.
> Signore Giovanni dell'Arco
> Keeper of the InterKingdom Archery Competition
> ikac at
> IKAC Open Division standings as of 10/22/00 are:
> -----------------------------------------------
> 1) AN TIR 300.0; Andras the Truemark 323, Vladimir Esves 298, Eric McLost
> 279.
> 2) MIDDLE 287.7; Robert Thorne 314, Master Grant Graeme de Mentieth 280,
> Baron Gareth Thorne 269.
> 3) EAST 264.7; Lorenzo il Confuso 333, Mistress Ygraine of Kellswood 289,
> Lord Rupert the Unbalanced 172.
> 4) CALONTIR 228.0; Leif of Crescent Moon 251, Uluric of Silvertree 230,
> Daniel of Arrownock 203.
> 5) WEST 224.0; Sabine (Lochac) 235, Mercurio (Lochac) 219, Sigmund
> 218.
> 6) OUTLANDS 222.7; Ian Lindsey-MacRae 240, John the Grizzly 218, Rand the
> Tracker of Oak Hollow 210.
> 7) ANSTEORRA 204.0; Lord Robert of Yorkshire 219, Walter the Fletcher 200,
> Don Sebastian 193.
> 8) ATLANTIA 203.3; Collum Marksiwell 208, Gregge the Archer 204, Sir Tnek
> the Ainissestor 198.
> 9) TRIMARIS 180.7; Sir Erika Bjornsdotter 206, Cennydd Robyn Hawkewood
> Mar of Unst 164.
> 10) DRACHENWALD 176.7; Owen Iskander 182, Tassilo von Rabennest 176,
> Greydragon 172.
> 11) CAID 162.0; Liadan of Seahaven 188, Thomas Blacksheep 188, Igor 110.
> 12) ARTEMISIA 109.0; Godwin of Arn Hold 122, Lord Elfwine of the Longbow
> 118, Daniel of Loch Salann 87.
> IKAC Open Crossbow Division standings as of 10/22/00 are:
> -----------------------------------------------
> 1) MIDDLE 316.7; Robert Thorne 324, Lord Allen of Caerlaverock 315, Master
> Fritz Bare 311.
> 2) ATLANTIA 210.7; Earl Mika Longbow 250, Viscount Karl Helweg 239, Sir
> Gotfried of Frisia 143.
> 3) CALONTIR 189.0; HL Lynette Davejean 225, Michael vanBergen 174, HL Hugh
> Prescott 168.
> 4) AN TIR 184.3; Eric de Dragonslaire 217, Aleksei Zateev 193, Thomas
> 143.
> 5) ARTEMISIA 174.3; Lord Duncan Wallensis 188, Lady Arwen DeRedvers 184,
> Lord Gregor Wallensis 151.
> 6) ANSTEORRA 163.7; HL Roger Bagley 194, Don Sebastian 170, Plachoya
> 127.
> 7) OUTLANDS 154.0; Rosalind of Wellmark 193, Eric Morrison of Thistlekeep
> 147, Duncan MacAllister 122.
> 8) WEST n/a; Abner de Plunkett 170, Decima 38.
> 9) EAST n/a; Master Li Kung Lo 295.
> 10) TRIMARIS n/a; Caonate 49.
> IKAC Period Division standings as of 10/22/00 are:
> -----------------------------------------------
> 1) AN TIR 242.0; Andras the Truemark 286, Loric MacLoughlain 230, Aleksei
> Zateev 210.
> 2) WEST 153.3; Joseph de la Tour 218, Abner de Plunkett 144, Koranada
> Tomadashi 98.
> 3) OUTLANDS 146.0; HL Steitan de Bogenschutz 166, Augustus the Piper 146,
> Baron Coamhe Beathan Crubach 126.
> 4) ATLANTIA 70.0; Viscount Karl Helweg 108, Lord Valen Ravenwood 76, Lady
> Sorcha Inghean Eilidh 26.
> 5) MIDDLE n/a; HL Eve Stoneheart 214, James Cunningham 114.
> 6) CAID n/a; James of the Lake 122, Katherine of Anglsey 114.
> 7) ANSTEORRA n/a; HL Gilbert Ost Westley 118, Plachoya Sobaka 86.
> 8) DRACHENWALD n/a; Harkon von Heldeberg 100.
> 9) CALONTIR n/a; Michael vanBergen 78.
> 10) ARTEMISIA n/a; Lord Callum Lamond 58.
> IKAC Period Crossbow Division standings as of 10/22/00 are:
> (top ten shown, top three receive medallions at end of season)
> -----------------------------------------------
> 1) Robert Thorne 400, MIDDLE
> 2) James Cunningham 298, MIDDLE
> 3) HL Marcus Caruana 286, MIDDLE
> 4) Lord Allen of Caerlaverock 276, MIDDLE
> 5) Master Li Kung Lo 274, EAST
> 6) Earl Mika Plunkett 264, ATLANTIA
> 7) Abner de Plunkett 216, WEST
> 8) Don Sebastian 208, ANSTEORRA
> 9) Aleksei Zateev 188, AN TIR
> 10) Gregge the Archer 182, ATLANTIA
> IKCAC standings as of 10/22/00 are:
> -----------------------------------------------
> 1) ANSTEORRA 220.0; HL Gilbert Ost Westley 236, Don Sabastian Frobroshire
> 228, HL Roger Bagley 196.
> 2) AN TIR 142.0; Sara de Bonneville 172, Tayodric 129, Alan Fletcher 125.
> 3) ATLANTIA 85.7; Steve Riley 119, Bobbe Herman 90, Deborah Burgin 48.
> 4) WEST n/a; Joseph de la Tour 186, Iosef Braun 123.
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