ANST-Announce - Arts and Sciences Competition

Suzanne Powell suzanne_powell at
Tue Oct 31 07:22:26 PST 2000

                         Hear Ye!  
           Hear Ye, Artisans of Ansteorra, All!

  The Barony of Stargate wil be holding a Competition to select 
Her Baronial Artisan at Her Upcoming Yule Celebration to be held 
                on the 9th day of December.

  You are challenged to display your best pieces of art, all 
           created within the past seven years.

One item from among your display will be eligible for commentary.

                Documentation is required

     Please contact the coordinator of the competition, 
  Lady Suzanne de la Ferté, to arrange space for your display.  
   You may contact her via email at suzanne_powell at


Basic Documentation Guidelines:
At a minimum, your documentation should cover the following areas:

   Who are you?  How long have you been working with this medium?

   What is it?

   When (in history) was this type of artwork produced?

   Where (historically) was the original counterpart of this 
   type of artwork produced?

   How was this type of artwork produced originally?
   -- construction techniques
   -- materials used
   How did you produce your piece of artwork?
   -- construction techniques
   -- materials used
   -- include explanation of any substitute materials
      or techniques

   Include at least three published sources.

(This basic documentation is also good used as a summary page for more
extensive documentation.)

In Service, I Remain,

-- Lady Suzanne de la Ferté

Suzanne de la Ferté  Stargate/Westgate  Kingdom of Ansteorra
Suzanne C. Powell     Houston, Texas 
suzanne_powell at

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