ANST-Announce - From Their Royal Highnesses...

Their Royal Highnesses coronet at
Tue Oct 31 14:22:26 PST 2000

Unto the Populace of Ansteorra,
We would like to introduce ourselves to you.  We are Jason McPherson and Saereid Sigmundsdottir, your new Crown Prince and Princess.  First off, We would like to thank Their Majesties and the Shire of Braed Leah for holding a wonderful Crown event.  It was very well organized, we had a great time and we were treated courteously from the moment we set foot on the site.  It makes for a great beginning.
We have been asked many questions as to our likes and dislikes.  We have included a list of the major items:
1.      His Highness is allergic to shellfish. 
2.      His Highness does not care for coconut or nuts.
3.      Her Highness cannot eat raw onions.
4.      Both of Us enjoy fresh fruit and chocolate.
5.      Both of Us enjoy Bardic Performances.
6.      Neither of Us drink alcohol.
We are looking forward to enjoying the wonderful feasts and hospitality for which Ansteorra is famous.  We will be attending a number of events over the next couple of months.  Our tentative plans for Our progress is:
Laurels Prize Tourney
Three Kings
Autumn Melees
Squires and Cadets
Stargate Yule Revel
Coronation- GOofS meeting, meeting of the Landed Nobles 
Bonwick 12th Night (His majesty only)
Queens - White Scarf circle
We hope to meet a great many of you between now and our Coronation.  Please come up and introduce yourselves.  We look forward to getting to know you, your concerns, and your ideas.
We remain in service to Ansteorra,
Jason and Saereid, Prince and Princess of Ansteorra
Our contact information:
Jason McPherson and Saereid Sigmundsdottir
(Jason and Nanette Lee)
16115 Bougainvilla
Friendswood, TX 77546
Ph# 281-648-2811
Email: jasonandsaereid at
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