GE - Business Meeting Minutes 10/23
Phillip Toland
p.toland at
Wed Oct 25 14:51:12 PDT 2000
Gates Edge Business Meeting Minutes 10/23
*There was no formal agenda as Stephen was feeling under the weather.
Since there have been no bids at this time for coronation, Lady Gwyn and
Lady Seren have come forward to autocrat Coronation to be held Jan 13, 2001
if they can find a suitable location by Friday Oct. 27. Caelainn has agreed
to be their feastocrat provided a location is found. The site needs to
include a hall big enough for 300+ people to feast in, small room for
meeting/dressing areas, a kitchen, working toilets, hotels and crash space
nearby. If they are successful in there bid then they will ask the Canton's
support in pulling this event together.
Queens Champion
Since Seren was unable to find a location for Queens she is not pursuing a
bid for this event.
Black White and Sort of Gray
Marius has spoken to our officers and the populace concerning us hosting
this event for Jan/Feb 2002. We will have a final discussion and answer for
him at our November populace meeting.
Mid Summer Faire XI
Eadric had nothing new to report but will be assigning tasks after Ren
Faire is over.
Sewing Guild Date Change
Sewing Guild will meet the THIRD Thursday, November 16th, and will be a
men's 101 sewing class. This schedule change is in effect for November
Newcomers Meeting Date Change
Newcomers will meet the SECOND Thursday, November 9th, and will be an SCA
101 class especially for those new friends we have made at Faire.
Business Meeting Date Change
Gates Edge's December business meeting will not be held on Christmas Day,
the fourth Monday. It will be held the THIRD Monday, Dec 18th.
Westgate Newcomers Revel
West Gate is sponsoring a newcomers revel to be held Dec 16th at Oaks
Presbyterian Church. They had asked if we wanted to split the site fee with
them and Stargate, which we declined, since none of the gentles in
attendance at the business meeting are going to be able to attend.
Our Gates Edge Good Thoughts List
Please keep the following gentles in your thoughts:
Baroness Adelicia
Mistress Janet of House Morning Star
Mistress Janet is undergoing double doses of chemotherapy, if you get a
chance please stop by their both at TRF and share some good cheer to
brighten their spirits.
Gates Edge/Westgate Weekend at TRF
Nov 11-12 is Gates Edge's co-sponsored weekend at TRF. Westgate is
autocrating, and providing feast. Seren has proposed we provide *light*
snacks for lunch. A lady's choice tournament dedicated to Adelicia will
also be held. That evening there will be a bardic circle however no drums
please as TRF doesn't allow them anymore.
Membership Drive
At the meeting a discussion of how to increase Gates Edge's membership, and
what the Canton's goals should be for the group in the coming year arose.
Due to time constraints this discussion has been tabled until Jan 29, 2001.
Archery Practice
Archery practice will not be held on Nov 11 as scheduled, stay tuned for
the new date and time.
Brewers Guild
Brewers Guild's November date will be announced soon.
Minister of Arts and Sciences- Kvinne
Anyone having ideas for any new guilds should see Kvinne.
Equestrian Report-Lady Guinevere
Equestrian Practice will be held Oct. 29th at Camelot. Mora will be in
charge as Guinevere will be out of town.
Knight Marshal- Lord Bowen
Practices are now in The Woodlands at Sundance park. Another fighter with
armor will be coming out so fighting will take place.
Hospitaler- Lord Bowen
Newcomers will be the Second Thursday in November and will be SCA 101.
Rapier Marshal- Lord Ciaran
Practices are Wednesday nights at Sundance Park in The Woodlands. The
Canton has been issued an open invitation to attend Baronial practices at
Candlelight Park also being held on Wednesdays.
Reeve- Laird Sean
Our third quarter report is being submitted, and the Canton remains in good
financial standings. For more detailed financial description please contact
Sean privately, the information will also be available at Populace.
Seneschal- Lord Stephen Macthomas
Stephen's computer is acting up so those needing to reach him immediately
should try phoning him. His office phone number in case of dire emergencies
is 281-423-5777, but he asks that you try home first. His new email is
macthomas at
Stargate has the following offices open:
Knight Marshal
Minister of Children
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