GE - officer's meeting

Talmon Parker tt_ann at
Mon Sep 25 16:49:34 PDT 2000

  Sorry, but I feel that I once again will not be able to make it
to the meeting. I'm afraid my snoring would detract from the
goings on. Lady Adelicia is a better now that they have put in the blood 
vacuum machine. She has better color and is moving better.
It is probably going to be another month or six weeks before they
will know just how much damage has been done.After she is out of skilled 
nursing she will go to rehab on the fourth floor.
Thats about all I have for now. Thanks to the ladies for making the special 
favors for her.   Lord Talmon And Lady Adelicia

>From: "Mills, Scott" <Scott.Mills at>
>Reply-To: gatesedge at
>To: "'gatesedge at'" <gatesedge at>
>Subject: RE: GE - officer's meeting
>Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 13:33:11 -0500
>Yes the Canton business meeting is tonight and Yes I am reasonably sure it
>is going to be at my house.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Diane M. Mathews [mailto:camelothorse at]
>Subject: GE - officer's meeting
>I am just back from King's Lancer and I am brain dead.  Do we have 
>meeting tonight and if so, is it at Eadric's house ?
>Lady Guinevere
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