ANST-Announce - Second call for applications...
Pug Bainter
serveradmin at
Fri Sep 29 06:55:04 PDT 2000
Good Morning,
This is my second call for applications. I am in need to fill two
positions from the on-line populace of Ansteorra. For a long time I
have been able to do these duties by myself, but with my recent trip to
the West Kingdom and then followed by Pennsic I have felt the desire
to get assistance. This is probably a decision that is long overdue
because of travel, but better late then never.
To date I have received no applications for co-list admin and one
application for deputy Sys Admin. The thing I've gotten the most is
inquiries to find out if someone more qualified has applied. Please
never assume that there is someone more qualified than yourself for
an office. My criteria, as well as many other officers who decide on
appointments, for choosing is not fully based on your experience
today, but your trainability and ability to play well with others.
The first position is a co-administrator for the Ansteorra and
Ansteorra-Announce mailing lists. This individual needs to have
experience with mailing list adminstration, in particular answering
users requests, dealing with bounced email, and missent email. It
would be desirable if they have experience with Majordomo mailing
lists and able to use Perl scripts from their mail program to deal
with moderation requests.
The second position is a deputy Administrator for the Kingdom Server.
This position will be expected to deal with simple system admin tasks
on the Ansteorran server in what is expected to be semi-high available
capacity. The types of tasks that will be expected are mailing list
creation and modification, creation accounts and assisting officers
when they have problems, updates to the webserver when necessary, and
other common tasks. This individual needs to have experience with Unix
system adminstration in an Internet environment. It would be desirable
if they have experience with RedHat Linux, Apache webserver, WU-FTPD,
and Majordomo administration. In addition, this individual must also
provide proof of membership in the SCA.
Please send letters of introduction and application to myself at:
Pug Bainter
1502 Choquette
Austin, TX 78757
serveradmin at
The deadline for applications is October 31st.
In Service,
Ansteorra Mailing List Admin
Kingdom Server Admin
Phelim "Pug" Gervase | "The problem's plain to see
Bryn Gwlad - Ansteorra | Too much technology."
Dark Horde Moritu |
pug at | --Styx
Note: The views do not reflect the SCA nor the Kingdom of Ansteorra.
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